Thirty: Leaving

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I woke up and grabbed my phone off Luke's night table, seeing it was about 10:00 already. That meant I didn't have to get dressed for about two hours, which is when Michael would be home. Luke and I kissed for the first, or technically second time, about a week ago. Michael had also been leaving every night after dinner, and coming back every morning after lunch.

He still wasn't talking to Luke, and I don't know where he was going, but at least he was coming home, and completely sober. I climber out of Luke's bed, walking over to the full length mirror on his wall.

Yes, I had been sleeping in Luke's room. We hadn't done anything other than kiss, but as Michael wasn't home I took advantage of that. Luke had also left some marks on me, but not where anyone could see them. They were just on my stomach, he left them while mumbling something about James.

We hadn't labeled ourselves with anything either, which I was completely okay with. I don't think I want to label anything, if you label it then it become real. I wasn't sure how I felt about it, all I knew was that I was perfectly fine with kissing Luke until I decided.

I fixed my hair in the mirror, pulling the shirt I was wearing down further. I was wearing Luke's 'you complete meSS' shirt and some spandex. I gripped my phone, leaving Luke's room and going into the kitchen.

I saw Luke with Ashton and Calum, eating at the counter. They made blueberry pancakes, which smelt really good.

"Morning Mads," Luke smiled, walking over and kissing my forehead.

Ashton and Calum knew we had been kissing, and they hadn't really said anything about it. They weren't going to tell Michael, but you could tell they were trying to understand what was going on. Honestly, so was I.

I grabbed two pancakes from the stack and ate them completely plain, because I prefer my blueberry pancakes without syrup. I was sat up against the wall, next to Ashton, when Michael walked in early.

I put my plate in the sink and awkwardly mumble that I'm getting dressed, rushing upstairs to avoid that. Michael didn't look angry, he actually looked excited.

I throw on a 1989 muscle tee shirt, with tie dyed high waisted shorts. I slip on my black converse and put a flower crown in my hair. For an edge, I put on some black leather gloves with my outfit as well before heading back downstairs.

The boys are quietly chatting in the kitchen, Calum, Ashton, and Luke, don't look very happy about whatever Michael's telling them.

"Hiya," I smile, walking into the kitchen to calm the three very stressed looking boys, Luke's happy mood is completely gone.

"Oh, Mads! Perfect timing." Michael pulls me into the kitchen and sits me on a stool, I try to not look confused with what's happening, as the other boys now know and don't look very happy.

"So I think we all need to get away and go on a camping trip this week." Michael starts, what's so bad about this? "Violet is coming with us, Emmett is not. You and Violet can each bring one friend of your choice, it doesn't matter who. We're staying in a cabin, the boys and I will all share one room, you and your friend will share, Violet and her friend will share. We're leaving in an hour, Violet is getting her friend and coming over. Call someone, anyone." Michael smiles at me.

I don't understand what's so bad about going camping, unless they automatically assume I'm bringing James. Obviously I'll ask Bri first.

"That sounds fun, I've never been camping. I'm gonna go invite someone and pack." I run upstairs, excited to get away. The first personni call is Bri, but as it turns out she starts her summer camp this week. Shes gome every hesr for 10 years, so she cant miss it. I already know that Josh is on vacation visiting family somewhere around Adelaide.

Obviously I invite James next, and conviently he can go. I tell him to pack and meet me here within 45 minutes, and he hangs up to go pack. Someone knocks on my door, and quickly I swing it open. I want to pack thoroughly. It's only a week, so won't need too much.

"Oh, hey Luke. Come in," I smile, opening my door. He rushes in a bit frantically, pacing next to my bed. "What's up?"

"Uh, which friend did you invite?" he bites his lip, this is definitely why he was worried about the camping trip. Because James marked me before he did, James kissed me before he did. I mean, we aren't together so obviously I could kiss James if I wanted to, but I want to be friend with him. I don't know what I want Luke and I to be.

"Well Bri and Josh were busy, so James." Luke sighs, looking at his shoes. "Luke, I know I'm sharing a room and him and all but we're just friends, I promise." I laugh as he nods thankfully. I zip up my suitcase and put it next to my bed.

I walk over toward Luke, and his hand traces up my jaw so we're making eye contact. He leans down, our lips molding together. This kiss isn't exactly like our others, it's more hungry than them.

"No kissing until we're back home," I mumble as he moves to nibble under my ear, not enough to leave a mark of course. I let out a whimper and feel his hot breath on my neck, the ghost of a smirk.

He plants one last chaste kiss on my lips as a knock sounds on my door. I run over to open it, Luke ready to slip out.

"Thanks for helping me pack, Luke." I smile and he nods, sending me a wink when hes sure the three people at my door won't notice. James, Violet, and Greg are here now.

I run over to my bed and grab my suitcase, as we all head downstairs. I'm surprised we organized this in less than an hour, but I guess Michael just wanted to be spontaneous. I pull Violet aside, prepared to question her about Greg.

"So, did he finally ask you out?" I wiggle my eyebrows and she laughs, swatting my arm.

"Yes, he did. Two weeks." I fist bump her as everyone gathers in the front hallways, just getting ready to leave.


woaHHH laddie is just

I apparently changed most of your minds about laddie XD a majority of you guys ship it now. Hmm, what should I do with laddie? Guess you'll have to see.

I've been writing this since like 9:00 and it's midnight now how did this happen. Actually scratch that I was writing it during commercials because lip sync battles were on. Gregg Sulkin's jawline hurts me okay

I might update again before I go to bed, I'm not really tired just yet.

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