Fifty-Five: Chaperones

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With a yawn, I collapse onto my bed. It's only about eleven, but for some reason I'm super tired. I didn't even do anything today, the last time I left the house was Sunday . When I made a video with Paul. It was Thursday night now.

My door is abruptly opened by Calum strutting in. He jumps onto my bed and lies down with me with a smile.

"You still taking us to that party tomorrow?" He laughs, nervously it seems. They definitely thought I'd back out by now.

"Of course," I scoff. I'm not gonna let them win this. I'm definitely not looking forward to it, but if it means I might still be able to go to them, I'll do it. It's worth a shot I guess

He nods slowly, contently. They're going with this still.

I yawn again, which in turn makes him yawn as well. Michael and Luke walk into my door, which Calum happened to leave open. They hear Calum's yawn, and both yawn themselves. I giggle at what I've caused.

"Party still on?" Michael narrows his eyes, looking at a sighing Calum.

"You sure you wanna drag these two there to follow you around?" Luke raises a brow. I inhale sharply, but give a small nod. He rolls his eyes at me, hoping I'd give up as well. All of them are extremely hesitant. I'm sure Ashton would be trying to convince me as well, but he's asleep.

"Can I go to bed now?" I whine, being tired and wanted to get enough sleep before the party. They leave me in my room to sleep luckily.

I pass out almost immediately.

Originally, I wake up around nine am. But I force myself to go back to sleep until noon. Thirteen hours of sleep should be enough, right?

I run my hairbrush through my hair, staying in my pj's. I'll shower and get dressed later, after dinner. I'm showing up to the party early, to help them all set up things. Only about half an hour early.

I'd also like to see Paul a bit extra, but that isn't important information. I also get to see Danny a bit extra. And Nick, Nick and I are semi-good friends now. He has my number to text me about parties and send me funny pictures of Paul and Danny.

I step into the kitchen, seeing the boys making lunch. Ashton fake gasps, eyes widening at the sight of me.

"She's alive!" He shouts jokingly. I flip him off and sit next to Luke at the counter. "Why'd you sleep so long?"

"Well I'm gonna be out late tonight," I shrug. Ashton frowns.

"I thought you said-"

"It didn't work out." Calum sighs and interrupts Ashton. "So we're going tonight. We'll text you guys what's happening." They were definitely trying to get me to back out last night. That's not happening though, so good luck to them.

I smile innocently, getting a glimpse of what Ashton's cooking. He's making mac and cheese, yum. He pulls out five bowls with a huff, obviously not wanting me to go.

They're in denial about me being seventeen. It's kind of a problem, but I guess I'll just have to deal with it an try to compromise with them. Sometimes, waiting until I'm eighteen seems like forever.

I dig into my lunch with a smug look on my face. I know that I can be stubborn and annoying.

After I finish eating, I skip out of the kitchen and outside. The sun is blinding, so I make sure to grab a pair of sunglasses from the back room. They definitely aren't mine, but I'm not sure who they belong to. I take a seat and pull out my phone, scrolling through Twitter. I end up changing my profile picture to a selfie of Calum and I.

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