Twelve: Pancakes and Condoms

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I woke up the next morning on Luke's chest, his slow breathing moving my head slightly. His left arm is wrapped around my body, holding me to him. My ribs hurt in this position, but I can't move very well under his grip.

The boys must have thrown a blanket over us and went to bed last night, because I don't see them anywhere. I fell asleep in the middle of Jupiter Ascending around 1am I think. We were having a movie marathon to relax because I didn't feel like doing anything after just getting home.

I reach for my phone, before remembering I still don't have it. I sigh, wanting to contact Bri, James, and Josh so we can reunite. I'll ask the boys when they get home. I look over to the clock and see it's already noon. I should probably wake Luke up, but he looks peaceful. Plus, he can't ask me if i'm okay every five minutes when he's asleep.

I sigh, adjusting the position of my head on Luke's chest and staring at the ceiling fan. He should be waking up soon right? Either that or the boys will show up and wake him up with their yelling and laughing. Where are the boys anyways? It's unusually quiet and they don't sleep this late usually.

"Mads?" Luke speaks in a raspy morning voice, deeper than normal. "Morning." he says and I look up to see him giving me a cheeky dimpled smile.

"Afternoon, Luke," I state rolling my eyes, but smiling. He's such a dork. He picks his arm up off of me and I sit up, stretching my arms carefully as not to hurt my ribs. Luke stands up, then he carries me into the kitchen and I laugh.

"Luke! Put me down!" I giggle as he sets me on top of the counter, and even then he's still taller than me.

"So, Pancakes?" he questions and I nod as he grabs the mix out of the cupboard, and starts making the batter. He's made enough batter to feed a party of 200 it looks like and I groan. We do not need that many pancakes.

I smirk as I remember the last time we made pancakes together. Luke quietly sings Ed Sheeran as he's making the pancakes and I smile. That seems like so long ago, but it really wasn't. A little over a month maybe, but so much has happened. I felt like I was in that camper being beaten for years.

When Luke has a nice stack of pancakes made, he turns the stove off. I grab the bowl of batter without him noticing, and dump it over his head. It drips onto the tile kitchen floor and he gasps.

"Madison," he chuckles and wipes his face with a rag. I smile innocently and he takes some batter from his finger and wipes it on my lips. "Shh." he says as he hugs me and I feel the cold slimy pancake batter get all over me. I laugh as he stands hugging me, and then the front door opens.

"We're home losers!" the boys walk in and groan at the sight of the kitchen being a mess. This happens way too often.

I smirk at Luke and he nods as we greet them all with hugs.

"Come on!" Michael groans, laughing as Luke rubs his hair on him. I go for Ashton. He just stands there and hugs me back, sighing as I cover him in pancake batter. We notice Calum sneaking away, and Luke and I both hug him before he can.

"You two are assholes." Calum states in a rough tone. I grab a towel and sheepishly wipe some pancake batter off of his face.

"Sorry Cal," I frown and look up at him with puppy eyes. He embraces me again.

"It's fine Maddie." he smiles and I smirky to myself as Luke tries, and fails.

"How does she do that?" he huffs and grabs cleaning supplies.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower, have fun boys." I wink as they all start cleaning, knowing they couldn't get me to help. I'll have some pancakes after I have a quick shower. I throw on some black skinny jeans and a plain black tee, with some black vans. I like black clothes, okay?

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