"No, you're not! Whatever is happening, we can fix this," I say again and try stepping forward, but again I am pulled back by my father.

"Ariella, he is dangerous. I will not allow you to go anywhere near him," he growls, angry now that I keep tugging against his grip. My shoulder begins to ache, but it is nothing compared to the pain I have been feeling in my chest all night. I glare up at him, nearly baring my teeth before my natural instinct of respect prevents me from doing so. I lower my head and plead softly, "Dad, he won't hurt me. Please let me go to him." I hear the heavy breathing of Malachi, and almost feel him resisting the dark trance that has overtaken him. The man I love is in there somewhere, resisting this demonic influence, and I will help him even with hell trying to hold me back.

My father's eyes glint silver with steel as he glances at Malachi then back to me. "I don't trust him."

"But, Dad!"

"Ariella, he's not your father!"

This new voice calls out to me and I whip my head around, my gaze colliding with Beta Hamilton's just as he is pushed to his knees, a couple of demons wrestling him down.

"Hamilton? What are you doing here?"

"Trying to protect my Alpha from these devilish rogues, but they overpowered me... for now," he growls threateningly but they only laugh at him.

"They're not rogues..." I begin, seeing full well the dark haze that swirls around the demons. There are many more circling us, creepy smiles on their darkly beautiful faces as they watch with greedy pleasure. A few other of Malach's warriors are on their knees, one named Jett that I recognise, as well as Devanshi's father Rahul. He has his hands behind his head in surrender to the stronger force surrounding us, and he is shaking his head slowly at me, as if warning me not to do anything stupid.

We are all at the mercy of the invaders to our territory, and my heart sinks with growing hopelessness at our situation. There's no way we can fight out way out of this. Even my father is a puppet for the demons, and Seneca seems all too pleased with herself as she orchestrates this mad event.

"Just like that man beside you is not your father," Hamilton cuts me a serious glance, and I shiver as I look up at Austin. He tilts his head and smiles at me. His face is so familiar, filling my mind with all the memories from years ago. Of course he is my father, so what is Hamilton talking about? He is just confused with all the demons surrounding us, and never knew my father. He doesn't know what is really going on.

"My darling, don't listen to that wolf. He doesn't trust us to do what's right. But it will be alright," he cups my face tenderly and rubs my cheek with his work-roughened thumb.

"But the demons are planning to kill us," I whisper, hoping Cyril and his friends don't overhear me.

Austin shakes his head. "No, darling. They've promised to keep us safe. We just need to let them do what they need to do, and everything will be okay."

"What do you mean? What are they doing?" I look around at Seneca who is pacing back and forth in front of Malachi, lifting her face reverently to the moon and whispering strange words on her tongue.

"They are helping Malachi overcome the torture inside his soul. He will be stronger soon, you'll see."

I watch mesmerised as my dad whispers softly, and Seneca begins to sing a haunting song, and Malachi grows more and more agitated. His eyes meet mine and I see the blue shade in them once more.

"Malachi, what's going on?" I ask, panic blooming in my chest as he tugs on his restraints.

"Ariella, you need to get out of here! I don't think I can hold off any longer," he grunts and squeezes his eyes shut, his taut muscles rippling as if he is fighting an inner battle. "Just go! Run, and never look back."

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