" What did you just say? " Sasha looks at Jeremy.

" Are you saying I'm fat? " Ivy gave him a death glare.

" What the hell? " Zenix said.

" Nothing " Jeremy said when a shuriken went pass his face.

" Ah! " He drops on the floor.

" Sorry! " We hear Sasuke shouts.

I turn to the entrance and see the others with their katana, slashing guys. I see a guy firing at Mariko and she quickly dodge it with her blade.

" Whoa, she's fast " Ivy said.

I run behind the counter and see a dead girl. I put Y/n down gently, letting her lean against the wall, I move her hair away from her face.

" Stay awake for me " I said, she smiles and nodded gently with her eyes half open.

I kiss her forehead.

I stood up and turn around, helping the others, I managed to kill and knock out some of them. Minutes later things starts to calm down.

I look at the clock on the wall.


" Mitsunari, help please " I turn to Mariko and see her katana is stuck in a table.

I then hear sirens.

" They're here " Jae said.

I turn to Y/n and see a man with dark brown hair, his back facing me and he's holding Y/n's hand.

" Hey! " I shout.

He turns around, he has E/c eyes that is mixed with F/c.

" We couldn't find Graham " Cat approaches with Landon.

" F/n " Landon looks at the man.

" Dad?, How are you alive? " Y/n asked.

" It doesn't matter, we get you to the hospital now, Graham is there with the cure " he said and stood us as paramedics flood in the area.

When a girl with green emerald eyes and caramel coloured hair enters, she was wearing a dark red leather jacket with a black top under it, a pair of leather pants and boots.

" Cecelia? " I asked.

She aimed a gun at me.

" Duck "

I did as she said and she fires someone behind me. I stood straight and turn around see a guy falling to his knees as a bullet was pierce in the middle of his forehead.

" Dude, your ex wife is a badass " Ash said.

I look at them in confusion.

" I know you have a lot of questions but save it for later, right now, we deal with Carter first " she said, I nodded.

I hear a ding and we all turn around to the elevator. The opens and it reveals Carter.

" Where's Clara? " Tyler asked.

He walks out the elevator and cackles, he brought up his gun to his lips as we see smoke coming out, he blows it out and drop his arms to his side.

" Carter " F/n caught his attention.

" F/n, your supposed it be dead " Carter said.

" I see my daughter has done your make up " he said.

Wow, now I know where Clara got that from.

I see the paramedics bringing Y/n on the hospital bed and out the building.

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