[ Chapter 35 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.

" I'm sorry about last time " Ein said as we both walk down the hallway on the outside of the hospital.

" Don't even remind me about that " I said.

" Why don't you laugh? " He asked.

" I don't know " I said.

" When was the last time you laughed? " He asked.

" With my dad " I said.

" Well. . . . .that went down. . . . .quickly " he said.

" I'm used to it, even if people curse at me it doesn't mean anything to me " I said.

" Duly noted " he said.

" Is Dante still pissed at me? " I asked.

" It's obviou- " he stops himself.

I sigh.

" Sorry " he said.

" It's fine, I've made more than an enemy " I said.

" How's your head? " He asked.

" Just a few headaches for the past few days but I'm fine " I said.

" What did you do to Corbin anyways? " He asked.

" My father is handling him right now " I said.

" Actually, speaking about Corbin, that reminds of the night you broke your cyber visor " he takes out a cyber visor from his jacket.

It's mine but, it's been repaired.

" You can thank Mariko for that " he said and I take it.

When our fingers touched overwhelming feeling rushes on my cheeks.

" She's a technologist along with her fourth brother, one of them is Sasuke " he said.

" Thanks " I said as I place it inside my jacket and we stop in our tracks.

He place his hand on my cheek, I look up at him.

" Are you okay?, Your cheeks are red " he said.

I look away and notice I'm blushing and now I have realized that I'm getting more redder.

" She makes technology as well huh? " I put my hands behind my back.

" What?, Thought your the only expert? " He asked.

" No, that's not what I meant- "

He hook my chin up.

He looks at me and there it is again, he does that thing again with his eyes. Part of me say pull away, but part of me say it's enticing.

I notice him leaning in, I couldn't help it but lean in as well. My eyes flicker to his lips when his flicker to mine, when finally his lips met mine, I close my eyes and kiss back.

Few seconds later he pulls apart.

I look down and bit my bottom lip.

" Your smiling " he said.

I look up at him with a scoff.

" I don't smile " I said.

" You just did " he leans in again and this time he place his hands on my neck while I wrap my arms around his neck.

Our lips moves in sync along with our heads, few seconds later, we pull apart. He leans his forehead on mine.

" We better get inside before Dante gets more pissed " he said, I snicker and nodded.

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