[ Chapter 36 ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" Someone cut off the oxygen tube " Louise said.

" I don't know, we all just realized at the time she started coughing " I said.

" She's stabilize, another seizure like that. . . . . . and she's gone " Emris said.

" It took us 15 minutes to revive her " Louise said.

" Shut up " I walk pass him and run my hands through my hair.

I wipe my tears and enter Meghan's room.

I see her asleep on the bed, hugging her bunny plushie. I sniff and walk to where my stuff are.

I pick up my bag and hang it over my shoulder.

" Where are you going? " Louise asked, I turn to him.

" I can't " I shake my head.

" Can't what? " He asked.

" Meghan's life is in danger " I said.

" You knew who cut the oxygen tube " he said.

" Just tell Meggy my schedule work has change and I can't see her anymore " I said and head to the door when he grips my arm.

" Tell me who it is? " He asked.

" Just keep me update " I take back my arm and exit the door.

I walk down the hallway and see a little girl running down the hallway giggling. She had jet black hair and dark pink eyes wearing one of the hospital pajamas. She has a doughnut in hand and has the chocolate smudge all over her mouth.

" Alice? " I hear someone called out.

I sigh and walk to the little girl, I kneel down to her.

" Daddy's calling " I said, she whines, I roll my eyes away and pick her up, carrying her to my side.

I turn a corner as Alice finishes off her doughnut. There I see at the end of the hallway, Kassum.

" Kassum! " I call out, he turns around and sighed in relief when his eyes landed on the little girl.

" Alice, don't run off like that " he said and I pass her to him.

" Where's Liana? " I asked.

" At work " He said and started wiping Alice's mouth with a tissue.

Alice whines.

" She hates you " I said.

" Let's just say she's being pouty about me not giving her ice cream when she's still sick " he said.

" You hear that Alice?, Your still sick " I said, she groans.

" Since when you learned that? " I look at her with a stern face.

" Well, Liana always does that " He said.

" I gotta get going though " I said.

" Say goodbye " Kassum said, instead Alice turns away with a bitchy face.

" One day, I will throw a sandal at your head, even though I'm old " I said and Kassum chuckles as I ruffle Alice's hair.

I turn back around to the way I'm supposed to go and exit the hospital.

~ Time Skip ~

I sit down on floor of the roof with my quiver on my back as I place my bow down as well. I look down on the other building, the 15th floor, at the open window, where I see a the dark blue hair boy sitting in front of his desk, with his navy blue eyes glued to the screen as his fingers swiftly press the keyboard. 

Sigh【Ein X Reader】[ Completed ]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat