[ Chapter 63 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

I wipe my tears with my hand that is stained with dry blood, it didn't stain my face. I'm in this cell, in the corner with my legs up, my arms hugging them. In front of me is Landon, inside another cell.

" You can stop now, It's been two hours " Landon said.

" How does he know about that? " I asked.

" I don't know " he said.

" No one knows about that, no one except us, dad has been keeping that a secret and he only tells our family, how did he know about that? " I asked.

" Then it must've been someone who told him " He said.

" All this just for that " I said.

" It was split " he said.

" What do you mean? " I asked.

" F/n knew it was dangerous for him to keep it all " he said.

" So he took everything apart? " I asked.

" He gave the last one to me " he said.

" Where is it? " I asked.

Before he can say anything, the door swings open and Carter enters. He walks in between us as his footsteps from his boots are the only one we can hear.

" It looks like your done crying for your brother " he said.

" Dramatic intro " I look up at him.

" I expect for you to cry another two hours, since that is how long you've cried for your father " he said.

I just sigh by his response.

" I have gotten tired of that habit of yours " he said.

" Gets it from her father " Landon said, I roll my eyes away.

" You need to shut up " Carter said.

" Gets it from his brother " I said, he looks at me with a death glare.

I raise my eyebrows in a sassy way.

" Now I see where you get that from " Carter said.

" It's called generations " I said.

He hummed in response and takes out a piece of cylinder object with a button in the top.

It's the device I took from Graham's place.

" Ever wonder what this does? " He asked.

" A button that blows your face off " I said.

" Look again " he press the button and a piece of gear falls out.

" A piece of the device, where's Graham? " Landon asked.

" It was split into six, I got Graham's, Corbin's, Kim Juho's, and now, I just need Martha's and yours " he turns around to Landon.

" What's the sixth one? " I asked.

" It's you " he turns back to me.

" What's that supposed to mean? " I asked.

He walks away with a chuckles.

" Hey! " I shout.

" Why don't you ask your uncle, I have errands to attend " he shuts the door.

I turn to Landon.

" What is he talking about? " I asked.

" You do know your father's eyes are mixed in E/c and F/c " he said.

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