[ Chapter 11 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.

I enter Meghan's room and see her sound asleep when I see Louise standing there with Marshall.

" Is that clear? " Louise said in a deep voice, I furrow my eye brows.

" Hey guys " I caught their attention and they both turn around.

" Y/n, right on time " Louise smiles.

" What were you guys talking about? " I asked.

" Just about how the agency have been " Marsh said.

From his expression, it's clearly that he's hiding something.

" Oh, Louise, you said you wanted to talk to me " I said.

" Right, um, Marsh get out " Louise said.

" Okay " Marsh said and he exits and slam the door lightly.

" That was rude, what did you say to him before? " I asked.

" It's nothing, by the way, here's some medication for your eye " he takes out a cream from his pocket.

" Thanks " I said and take it.

" You said you wanted to talk about something to me? " I asked.

" Oh that, nevermind, I forgot about it, I gotta go work now, bye " he said and exit as Marshall enters.

He gave Louise a disgust expression as the door close, he turns to me and smile.

" What was that? " I asked.

" What was what? " He asked.

" The thing you did with you face to Louise " I said.

" I did nothing " he said.

" Don't lie " I said.

" I'm off training " he walks pass me and grab his backpack.

" Hey " I grab his shoulder.

" What did he say to you? " I asked.

" Nothing " he smiles and walk away exiting.

" Be quiet " Meghan groans as she turn around while the oxygen tube is under her nose.

I sigh and sit down on the chair.

What did they talk about?

I'm honestly worried about Marsh, since Louise hate Carter after what he did to us. I do hate Carter too but he has been treating me like his daughter sometimes, but sometimes also I hate when I make a slight mistake. He's really strict.

As for his wife, she passed away and Marsh is the only thing left for Carter. Dad's last words were 'I love you' on the day Carter killed him, as for mom, she died giving birth to Meghan.

It's a fucked up family.

I just miss dad right now, he was the only person who supported the three of us. Louise hated Carter ever since.

I just don't know what's the reason that Carter would kill dad for, why?, What did he do?

I wish I knew.

I was too young to know anything, Meghan was one years old at that time, I was 15 and Louise was 22.

We're supposed to be in the Divines by now.

~ Time Skip ~

I roll up my sleeve and rinse my wrist in the running faucet as I hiss when the stinging sensation was on the fresh cuts I have made.

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