[ Chapter 60 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.

" Your car is filthy " I said as I throw his jacket at the back.

" Still the same thing you say whenever your in my car " he said.

" Cause it has never changed for the past four years " I said.

He hummed in response.

" Hey Jae, how's your mother? " I asked.

" She's fine, her legs are getting more weak " he said.

" She's aging " I said.

" I know " he said.

" She was shot on the right knee cap " I said.

" Even with a metal cap she isn't able to walk steadily " he said and make a right turn.

" I told you, I tried " I said.

" I know, she has arthritis " he said.

" We can't avoid them and I'm thinking how Carter hasn't gotten it " I said.

He snicker and turn to the left, he stop in front of a cafeteria.

" Mariko should be in there with Mitsunari " he said.

" Thanks for the ride " I said as I unbuckle my seat belt.

" Yeah, anytime " he said.

I grab his collar shirt, I lean in and peck him on the cheek.

" I really appreciate it " I smile, he had a pink tint on his cheek and I climb out of the car.

I shut the door and it was a few seconds until he drives away. I shook my head and enter the cafeteria. The place looks nice. (Pic above)

I look around and here near the window I see the girl with brunette hair and hazel eyes.

She has a pencil in hand, a book on the table as I see she's trying to figure it something. A cup of tea next to her book, the steam visible, with a bowl of finished rice and the chopsticks placed on top. And another plate of sushi.

No sign of Mitsunari though.

I was about to approach her when I see two guys approaching. Both of them sit down in front of her and she seems to know who it is and from the looks of her face, she's uncomfortable. I approach and sit down on the next table.

Hearing the conversation.

" So, whatcha' doin'? " the guy with blond hair that is in the right asked.

He has hazel eyes.

The guy on the left had brown hair with blond tips and light blue eyes.

" Go away Keith " Mariko said to the right guy.

" What do you say Nick? " Keith asked.

" Nani? " Nick teased and they both laughed.


" I know I failed my finals but that doesn't mean I'm back, I'm retaking the test " Mariko said.

" That causes a lot of money, and you think you can pay that? " Nick asked, Mariko snicker and shook her head.

" Go away before my brother's back " she said.

Keith grabs the chopsticks.

" You don't get to tell me what to do " he points the chopsticks at her.

I stood up and walk over to them then grab the chopsticks.

" Pick on someone your own size " I said and put the chopsticks down.

Sigh【Ein X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now