[ Chapter 44 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

I got out of the bathroom as I let down my hair down. I pick up the brush and brush my hair, look at the mirror reflection and see Ein on the bed hugging a pillow, shirtless with the blanket covering the other half of his lower body.

I smile and exit the room, I look around the apartment and it's not bad actually, I like the aesthetic.

I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge door and take out a jug of water. I take it out and find a glass cup. I pour myself some water and the door bell rang. I put down the cup of water along with the jug and head to the door.

I open it and reveals the person I don't want to see early in the morning.

" Dante " I said.

He pushes me and and pin me against the wall by gripping my neck next to the door, I hold his wrist.

" What are you doing here? " He asked and I gasp when he puts pressure.

" What do you think? " I manage as I grip his wrist.

" Are you trying get into Ein's head? " He hit the back of my head on the wall, I yelp.

" Get off. . .of me " I was about to punch him when he grips my wrist and pin it to the wall.

" So this is your next move? " He asked.

" Fuck you " I said.

He puts more pressure and I was starting to loose air. I shut my eyes when I was on my limit until he let go, I gasp for air and held the wall to support me.

" What the hell is wrong with you?! " I look up and see Ein all dressed up.

Ein rushes to me, I shook my head.

" I'm fine " I said and take a few deep breaths.

" She's getting into your head, don't you get it?! " Dante asked.

" What are you doing here? " Ein asked.

" Meeting at the Divines, 10:30 " he said and exits the apartment slamming the door shut.

Ein sighed.

" You alright? " He asked, I nodded.

" Yeah, he didn't do much " I said.

" I'm sorry, Dante is still onto you " he pulls me into a hug.

I hug back.

" I'll be fine " I said.

We pull apart.

I walk over to the kitchen and take my glass of water. I take a sip and lean back against the counter as I sigh.

He grabs a cup and pour himself water.

" I just don't get, I told him already, I was ordered to kill Nicole– " I groan and put the cup down.

" You can't blame hi– "

" I'm not– "

" Your sounding like you ar– "

" I already tried my best not to hate him " I said, he place the cup next to mine.

He place both of his hand on my cheeks.

" You can hate him as much as you want, but promise me, you won't pull off a stupid move " he said.

" You can't do tha– "

He peck my lips.

" Yes I can " he said.

" That's cheating " I said.

Sigh【Ein X Reader】[ Completed ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt