[ Chapter 31 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov. 

I lie down on my bed sideways as my blanket cover half of my body while my dry tears staining my face. I flinched when Marsh dab the rag soaked in alcohol on my shoulder where the wound is.

My body is weak right now, I'm tired after father almost beat me to death last night. He's getting old but he's still strong to whip me. Marsh wipe the blood off my lips and I push his hand away.

" Just go home, I can take care of myself " I said.

He ignores and continues to clean my bleeding lip. I shut my eyes in tiredness as I feel another tear escape my eye. I feel Marsh wipe the rag on my neck as I push his hand away again and I yelp when a sharp stinging sensation was on my collar bone where another wound is.

" You should call Louise " he said, I shook my head weakly as I open my eyes.

" He's getting more aggressive " he said.

" Like he has not been " I said.

" You could've just let him beat me " he said.

" You don't deserve it " I said.

I push his hand away.

" I deserve this " I said, he looked at me in confusion.

" What do you mean? " He asked.

" Don't ask " I said.

" No, if there's anything to do with my family I wanna know, especially my dad " he said.

" Evan, please " I said, he sighs.

He looks away as I started coughing but calm down soon.

" You never said my middle name before " he said.

" It just slipped " I said and we hear my door bell ring.

" I'll go get it " he said and stood up.

He exits my room and leave the door open with a small gap since he doesn't know my password.

I hear him open the front door.

" Oh, hey, what are you doing here? " I hear Marsh asked someone.

" Carter sent me to give Y/n a mission, where is she? " That voice is a male and it sounds familiar.

" She's sick, what's the mission? " I hear Marsh asked.

" It's a private talk, I can't tell you, just let me speak with her and I'm out of here " the guy said.

" She's asleep " Marsh said.

" What are you doing here anyways? " The guy asked.

" I'm her brother too you know and I'm taking care of her, so stop changing the subject and tell me what's the mission? " Marsh asked.

" I'm not gonna say it twice, just wake her up " the guy said and I hear footsteps.

" I didn't say you could come in, Elijah " my eyes widened when Marsh said that name.

I grunted as I sit up, I got off the bed and grab my jacket hanging my the chair, I put it on and head to my door as I endure the pain on my back. I open the door and it caught Marsh's attention.

" Y/n, I thought you were in bed " he said as he gives me a signal to his left.

I look into my kitchen and see a guy with dirty blond hair and orange eyes. Wearing a white shirt with a black leather jacket over it, a pair of rip jeans and black boots.

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