[ Chapter 4 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.

I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes between the gap of my curtains, I groan and turn away as I lie on my back, facing up the ceiling. I feel something wrapping around my waist and I open my eyes, I turn to my side to see the jet black hair guy sleeping. I close my eyes and sigh.

" When will you ever stop sighing? " He asked.

" Gene, the only reason I let you sleep here is because your broke as fuck " I said.

" I'm not, I'm just too lazy to go up another level to my apartment " He said.

" Lazy fuck " I said.

" Says the one who doesn't even want to make her own breakfast "

" Shut up "

He turns me to him and bring me closer.

" Wanna go out? " He asked, I shook my head.

" You have to do something other else than sleep "

" I have training today "

" Not a good excuse "

I open my eyes and I directly look into his turquoise eyes, he place his hand on my cheek. I push his hand off and he move his hand to my neck, I sigh.

" Come on " he smiles, I whine.

He leans in and so did I, our lips met and we started kissing me passionately. He hovers above me and I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls apart and I look up at him.

" Now you wanna go? " He asked, I roll my eyes away and push him off as he falls beside me.

I stood up from my bed and the cold air hits my legs since I am on my shorts, I'm wearing a simple F/c oversize shirt. I turn and see Gene is shirtless, only in his shorts as well. I grab some clothes and enter the bathroom, locking the door.

I took a quick shower and when I was done, I dry myself and wear the clothes I have chose. Exiting the bathroom, I see Gene puts on his red shirt. I exit my room and walk into the kitchen, opening the fridge, I take out a bottle of F/s. (Favorite soda and pic above)

I enter my room and walk to my desk where my bag is hanging on the chair.

" Where are you going? " He asked.

" Training " I hang my bag on my shoulder.

" Can I go- "

" No " I exit my room and walk to my door.

" Lock the door when you leave! "

" Okay! " He shouts back and I exit my apartment.

I walk to the elevator and press the down button. Waiting for a few minutes and the door opens, revealing a guy with royal blue hair and navy blue eyes, it's the guy with Nicole.

" You " his eyes widened and he threw a punch, I dodge by moving to the side and he falls forward, but before he did, I grab the back collar of his red jacket and pull him back as his back collide with the elevator wall, making a loud crash noise.

He looks up at me in shock as he winced in pain.

I enter the elevator and press the ground floor as the door closes. Didn't know he lives in the same building as me, guess he just moved in.

" You almost killed Nicole " I can hear the anger in the tone of his voice, I ignored and look up at the floor number, I'm on the 12th floor.

" Why were you after her? " He asked, I roll my eyes away and sighed.

Sigh【Ein X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now