[ Chapter 37 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.  

" I'm fine " I push Natalie's hand away as she drop the soaked rag on me.

" Hey!, I'm just trying to help " she said.

" I said I'm fine " I throw the rag at her.

" You just pass out 15 minutes ago, at least let me help you " she said.

" ¿Qué parte de 'Estoy bien' no entiendes?! " I shout. (What part of 'I'm fine' don't you understand?!)

She stays silent and just look at me. I groan and slam my fist on the wall. She walks away without saying anything. I place my hand on the bench and grip the edge tightly. I lower my head and shut my eyes as I feel tears stream down my cheeks.

My voice escape from my mouth which caught everyone's attention, I cover my mouth as I continue to sob.

" Hey " I hear Dante's voice and I feel him place his hand on my shoulder.

I slap his hand away as I stood up and walk away. I turn a corner where I see Mariko examining my bow, she sees me and put it down on the bench she was sitting on.

" Are you alright? " She asked.

More tears stream down my face as I walk to her and grab my bow, I hang my quiver on my back. I calm down and my phone rings. I sigh in annoyance and I take it out from my back pocket.


I put down my bow and wipe my tears as I answer.

" Yes? " I asked in a normal voice as I sit down on the bench.

" Where are you?, We've been after Corbin for a while now, we don't hear any reports from you " he said.

" Yeah, I got held up with something, where are you right now? " I asked.

" At the roof where your supposed to be on, I'll wait you here " I stood up and look out the window where I see his back.

" Okay, I'll be there, I won't be long " I said and he hummed in respond.

I end the call as I switch off my phone. I grab my bow and a hand is place on my shoulder.

" Hey " I turn to see Ein.

" I gotta go " I said.

" What's wrong?, What's on your mind? " He asked as he place his hand on my cheek.

" If there's anything you can tell me " he said.

I place my hand on his.

" I'll be fine, I gotta go " I peck on his cheek and walk away to the stairs.

I went down the stairs and made it to the lobby. Exiting the building, I enter to the next one and head to the elevator. I enter once the door is open and I enter and press the top floor. Few minutes of waiting, I arrive at the top floor and head to he stairs where with leads to the roof.

The door opens where I see Elijah kneeling down on the edge of the roof looking through a pair of binoculars. He's wearing a black shirt with a black jean vest with the hood on, a pair of leather pants and boots.

I walk over to him.

" What do we got? " I asked.

" Down northeast at the cafeteria " he pass me another set of binoculars.

I take it and look through it, I move the scroll in between the binoculars as it zooms in and her I see he same guy who just attempted to shot me just now. He's still wearing the same thing but his weapon is not with him, his hood is still on as his hands are in his jacket.

Sigh【Ein X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now