Chapter 16

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 Chapter 16

 (  Just saying.... This is my favourite chapter that I've written so far. Enjoy. <3  )

(Claire's POV)

I turned to see Mr. Davidson trembling slightly with... anger, was it? He stood stiffly as the two policemen returned to their cars and drove away. Their lights faded and Mr. Davidson was alone, glowing with the red of the tail-lights. 

I held my breath, waiting for him to return to the car..

It seemed like a lifetime before his body moved towards the car. He moved stiffly, the veins in his arms larger than I had remembered. He looked frustrated. His eyes seemed to reveal he was lost in another time..another world...another body...for they were glossy and out of focus.

The door opened and he glided into his seat. The door closed. The seatbelt clicked. He put the car out of park and into reverse. He gripped the steering wheel with bone-white knuckles, his emerald eyes dark and straight forward. His foot eased onto the gas, the car gently rolling back, then making an easy u-turn.

I couldn't stop looking at him.

He was... sick. Something was eating at him, a disease. A cancer. A tumor. Something.. His face looked like someone had taken a clamp and put it over his life-source. 

The silence was thick, almost too thick to breathe. My  mouth suddenly forgot what words were, and my brain couldn't process anything but this man...this man and his sudden change. His change from being dominant.. heartless.. masochistic... controlling...powerful... a kidnapper..

...a weak soul with a handsome exterior.


(Isaac's POV) 

Her name kept dashing through my head.


It was with the ring of her name that everything rushed and crashed against me in a wave of honeysuckle perfume and warm autumn hair. 

Light grey eyes meet mine as I bring her out of the safely hidden chambers of my mind's memories once more. Dark eyelashes with light freckles along the bridge of her nose, sprinkled across her cheeks and up to the ends of her cheek bones like the constellations of the dark sky. 

Her cheeks are a light rose. Almost like porcelain. Her lips, full and shimmering with peach lipgloss, part into a crooked smile with uneven teeth. She's smiling. 

Then her laugh. Her laughter is echoing, ringing out into my ears. It's one of those laughs that warms you. That lights a warming flame in your heart that spreads to your toes and your fingers and the tips of your hair. It shook me.

Her shoulders, dotted also with freckles, turns and reveals the memory we are re-living. 

We are at the beach. 

The tourqoise water was shimmering, glistening, under the bright yellow sun. The light breeze caught her autumn hair, blowing her bangs down over her sky eyes. Her cheeks rounded as her crooked smile broke through, then her delicate hand with red painted nails hid her lips and teeth as she blushed from this minute, beautiful imperfection.

She turned to face me, her ivory dress blowing in the wind like damp sheets drying on a clothesline. She walked to me, her toes scurrying through crashing waves on the shore, her scarlet toenails bright even though covered in sand. Her anklet, a small blue seashell on a hemp string, dangled daintiy and swayed with her movements. 

Another smile, this time with closed lips, broke through as she ran to me, throwing her arms around me, holding me..

The breeze grasped her hair. and fluttered and tickled my face. I inhaled. Honeysuckle. It was a warm scent, surrounding her hair, the nape of her neck. I held her. I held her tight and spun her around me. We were both laughing, smiling. The waves nipped at our heels as I kissed her on her forehead.

The salty air has a way of making you love even harder and I pushed her bangs out of her face with the side of my palm, and I took her head into my hands. Her icy eyes danced as they met mine, the sun reflecting in both of ours.

She traced her long finger along the flying raven tattoo on my chest. The path her fingers left was tingling. It was warm with her touch. Her head the most cutest of ways, her eyebrows and forehead relaxed, her eyes half closed. Her glance fell upon my lips, as I leaned in to meet my lips to hers...

A wall of ice engulfed me as I realized I was daydreaming.

She was no longer there. The dark night and the road ahead was all that I could see now. I glanced sideways, remembering the girl.

She was asleep, her head resting against the window, her hand cradled in her arm. She would whimper every once in a while, twitching her arm. She was still hurting. 

Her red fingernails caught the light of the streetlamp, and I adverted my eyes.

With an inhale, I caught the whiff of honeysuckle. Gripping the wheel tighter, I continued on, letting the darkness of the night engulf the speeding car and myself.

WILD HUMANS (previously After School, Extra Credit.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt