Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


I grumbled sleepily.

"Claire. Wake up."

I pryed my eyes open to bright orange rays of sun. Hazily, I tried to get up but was restrained by...

a seatbelt...?

I awoke suddenly, like in those dreams where you're falling and you jerk awake. My hand throbbed with my sudden movement as blood rushed to it. I pushed the hair out of my face with my left hand and looked around..

"Are you feeling any better?"

My head jerked around towards the carmel-coated voice.

Mr. Davidson.

Everything that had happened yesterday rushed back to me in a wave of memories, my head spun as I realized it wasn't just some far-fetched nightmare.

My tounge was numb. "Are you okay?" He asked again. I nodded. His seatbelt was off, the car was parked.

"Well," he exhaled, reclining his seat, "I'm going to rest for a bit. We'll be at the hospital soon. I need some sleep before I can keep driving." I turned to glance at him, my heart about to burst out of my ribcage.

"Are you going to kill me..." I meekly asked, my eyes as wide as quarters. He sighed heavily and sat upright. When his eyes met mine I nearly winced.

"No, Claire." He answered, blinking slowly.

"I don't believe you." I said, my voice cracking.


"Please dont rape me..."

"Claire!" He said sharply, turning to meet my gaze, causing me to actually wince this time. I tried steadying my voice, but before I could respond he began talking.

"I have told you. I am not a rapist. I won't rape you. That's not my intention. I would never do anything like that to you, unless you consent."

It was the last three words that caught me off guard. He had told me before he wouldn't rape me.. I seemed to feel comfort in hearing him say it. But that... 'unless you consent..."

It sent chills. But I wasn't sure if they were from fear, or-

"Fine." He sighed, pulling his seat back up a little. "Let me sleep for just a few hours. We'll get you medical attention and right after, stay in a hotel." He dangled the keys between his fingers. With a sideways glance to me, he dropped them down his shirt protectively.

"Mr. Davidson, I don't want to be here-"

"Claire. For the love of God, let me sleep for just a few hours. We'll get you food, medical attention, etc. But PLEASE. I'm exhausted." His eyebrows furrowed. Then he glanced at my swollen hand...

"Are you sure it's not just a sprained wrist?" He inquired, his eyes beginning to seem heavier.

"I don't know..." I replied softly, looking back up to him. His hair wasn't as neatly slicked back as it was before.There were bags under his closed eyes that I hadn't noticed before. I pursed my lips. Before I knew it his breaths were slower and longer. Was my kidnapper seriously... asleep?

"Why are you doing this to me." I whispered, my whole arm beginning to ache.

"I cannot tell you." He mumbled, making me jump. Apparently he wasn't as asleep as I'd assumed...

"You're not killing me, you're not raping me...what are you doing then?"

"You wouldn't understand." He mumbled again, a bit louder this time.

I bit my tounge and decided to let him sleep. I looked around. We were literally in the middle of nowhere. Flat land, the ocassional scarce patches of trees and an open stretch of asphalt lay directly in front and behind us. I could tell it was a warm day, feeling the rising sun warming the inside of the car through the glass. 

The car was parked off the side of the road, in some loose gravel. As far as I could tell, this road wasn't traveled very often.

That bastard. He knew I wouldn't be able to escape. Not this far from civilization. My arm throbbed. I didn't think it was broken as I did before; I was guessing my wrist was just badly sprained. But it hurt like hell...

(Isaac's POV) 

    I dreamt of her. Of Jocelyn. 

    Opening my eyes to bright sunshine, I could feel that I hadn't slept very long. An hour at the most. It was one of those sleeps where your body aches, and your head hurts from dreaming so intensely. 

    I grumbled and stretched.  "Claire, is your hand worse?" I asked, still half asleep with my eyes closed.


    My eyes shot open.


     That little bitch is fucking gone again.

WILD HUMANS (previously After School, Extra Credit.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora