Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

(Claire's POV)

    I sat up in bed, my arms wrapped around my knees, listening to Grayson tell me his story. I felt him inhale sharply.

    "Her name was Jezebelle." He said, his voice beginning to break as he tasted her name. I didn't say anything. I let the slience lay on the air.. He rubbed his hands on his face.

     "She took me to her home. She and I were in love." He said, clearing his throat. "We were in love. We had plans. Plans where she would turn me to a Vampire, so we could legally marry. We were only together for three months..." 

      "What happened to her..?" I asked meekly. He smiled sadly and exhaled.

      "She was still in debt to Brody. $45,000. For me...." He said, still holding a heavy smile. I blinked.

       "She couldn't pay him back. She tried to work out a deal. But it was impossible. Brody took me back. I tried to fight them. But it was in vain.... She couldn't handle it. She begged for anything, anything she could do to repay the debt. Brody told her that there was one thing..." 

      I wasn't aware I had been holding my breath. I gently exhaled.

      "She would become a Hunter. Working for him. When she had captured a Wild Human that was valued enough to repay her debt." He stopped, all traces of the strained smile gone. "She said she would be back for me. That she wouldn't leave me here. That she'd be back soon." He paused.

      "That was 6 months ago." He sighed. "And Brody knew of her plans; of our plans. He hated the thought of another Halfbreed. Another Human turned into Vampire. He had me vaccinated not long after he took me. "

       "So.....she can't turn you into a Vampire..." I said quietly, looking down at my hands.

      "And we cannot get married." He said solemnly. He exhaled, then stood, running fingers through his hair. "Anyway... I'm sure you're hungry. What would you like?" He asked, hands his in pockets. I noticed he was trying to change the subject.

      "I am a little hungry..." I said, my stomach growling loudly. He smiled.

      "Lasanga sound okay?" He asked. I nodded. 

      "That actually sounds amazing."

       Alright."I'll be back soon. Get some rest." He said quietly, leaving the room and shutting the door quietly behind him. I suddenly felt a wave of loneliness rush over me...

           (Isaac's POV)

         Where the fuck is he.....Where IS HE....

       I tapped my foot impatiently, sitting on an uncomfortably leather couch in a wealthy adorned black-cherry room. The walls were too far away, I was too opened. The dark, sharply cornered desk that lay in front of me had files and paperwork laying on each corner, neatly stacked. The laptop, adamantly closed.  Two of the walls were just shelves, covered in leather-bound books. I didn't recognize any of their titles.

        I jumped at the click of the door opening behind me.

        "Good afternoon, Isaac." 

        "Brody." I stood and turned, taking his offer for a handshake. I glared at him as he gripped my hand tight, and smirked. 

         "Where is she?" I asked quickly, ending the handshake. His smirk turned into a grin as he shouldered past me.

         "The guards are bringing her up." He sat back in his leather chair, kicking his feet up onto his desk. I remained standing, pacing the room.

          It took seemingly hours before the hard wooden door behind me opened.

         I spun on my heels, facing the noise.

         "LET GO!!!" She yelled, thrashing in their grip. 

        "Jocelyn..." I said in disbeleif. She was right here...right here.....I could smell the faint scent of honeysuckle, still.

          At my voice, she froze, and looked up at me, her mouth agape and icy eyes wide.

          "Isaac.........?" She squeaked, tears filling her eyes. I couldn't refrain any longer. I ran to her, and held her in my arms. I hugged her tight, afraid she'd be taken away again. Both our eyes were crying as the wave of love crashed over us once more. Her aurburn hair was soft against my face, just as I remembered, and I moved my hand to hold the back of her head, pulling her into me even more. She was quivering, quietly sobbing with joy.

        "I thought I'd never see you again." She wept.

       I drank in the sweet scent of honeysuckle and held her even tighter.

What do you guys think of each character?? who's your favourite?? <3 love you guys. Comment please!!!

WILD HUMANS (previously After School, Extra Credit.)Where stories live. Discover now