Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

    (Isaac's POV)

      I grabbed the collar aroud her neck and ripped it off in shreds. I pressed my hungry lips to her neck, feeling her racing heart through the wild pump of her jugular.She tried squirming away, but there was no escape at this point. My instincts were completely in control of my body as I pressed into her more.

     "Stay still, Claire...." I murmured drunkenly, dragging my canines along her main arteries.

     (Claire's POV)

          His canines raked across my neck and I screamed. I thrashed wildy... oh my god he's going to fucking kill me... I panted and struggled against his hold.

       There was a quiet pause, and I stopped thrashing for a moment. Before I could blink he punctured my neck with his sharp razor-like canines. A white hot scalding pain errupted from where his teeth sunk into my neck;I could feel the pull of his lips sucking the blood out of my wounds, My mouth was frozen; I couldn't even scream, my mouth still wide open in pain. The pain is indescribable.. It felt like someone had taken a hot piece of metal and thrust it onto my neck, pressing harder with each pulse. I literally felt my blood draining out of me, as my vision began fading with each heavy drink of blood. My mouth was open in shock and, pain but no scream came out. I felt him drink from my neck, almost like a vaccum had been placed over my juglar.

     My vision fuzzed and my entire body began tingling, starting in my heart as the numbness seeped up through my face. My legs gave out, and my arms fell limp to my side. The only thing holding me up was his clamped jaws on my neck. 

    The pain went on for what seemed like hours, his strong hands propping me against the wall and his fangs still clamed on my neck. Suddenly, I was released, falling straight to the ground. I felt a hot, sticky liquid flood from my neck and onto my shirt, dribbling down my chest. 

     " god...oh my god oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean To-"

     I couldn't hold conciousness anymore, and the darkness overtook me. 

 (Brody's POV)

     The silver necklace was held in my clenched fist as I floored the car out of the gravel driveway. I knew I couldn't trust him. That's why I had a tracking device planted into the silver necklace. My phone had the radar, leading me directly to Isaac's location.

     That bastard had a lot of nerve taking my girl away from me. He would pay for this.... My knuckles turned white on the leather steering wheel, cracking the leather slightly. I gritted my teeth, and tried to focus as fury clouded my vision. 

     Suddenly, my phone beeped, instructing that I should take a sharp left. Tires squealed as my black car fishtailed and turned down a long road leading to the middle of the woods. The beeping on my phone grew more rapid, indicating that I was getting close, but was still about 2 hours away. 

    I floored the gaspedal and growled.

     If he's even laid a finger on her I will fucking destroy him.

(Isaac's POV)

     Oh my god....I've killed her...............

     "fuck...oh my god....Isaac why did you.." I cursed myself, staring at her body laying in  a pool of blood. Her neck held fang marks....My fang marks... fuck. 

     I ran into the bedroom, rushing in to grab my cell phone. I dialed the number with shaking hands. 

    "Answer the phone...please answer the-"

   "Isaac...?" I heard a quiet voice on the other line.

    "Jocelyn!!!" I said in a rush. I could hear her gasp.

    "Isaac what's wrong??"

    "No time to explain....I...I.... the girl is hurt. She's losing blood fast. I need you to drive over here now."

    "Isaac you told me to stay at the-"

    "Jocelyn. I need you. You're a nurse. I need you to help her..."

    I heard Claire's heartbeats weaken from the other room..

    "But what about  Brody... What if they catch me..." Jocelyn asked timidly..

    "Be here in 15 minutes, Jocelyn." I begged. She hesitated on the other line.

    "Alright...I'm on my way. If she's bleeding from her neck you need to prop her up so that her neck is above her heart. Don't let her lay down..." Jocelyn ordered, and quickly hung up.

    I ran into the other room, slipping on her blood. 

    "Claire I'm so sorry.....I didn't... I'm so sorry......." I said, trying to hold myself together.   I remembered Jocelyn's orders, and grabbed Claire by her shoulders. As I did, I noticed her entire body was limp and growing cold, and her heartbeats were slowing even more. I propped her up, holding her against my chest, ripping off my shirt and pressing it against her wound. 

    I gritted my teeth, trying to see through the stinging tears forming in my eyes.

    "Fucking stay with me, Claire....Don't fucking die on me.........." 

WILD HUMANS (previously After School, Extra Credit.)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt