Chapter 15

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Chapter 15.

(Isaac's POV)

That sonofabitch.

I slammed the car door as I got out and approached the man in uniform.

"Sir, I need you to put your hands on the hood of your-"

"Cut the shit, Darius." I spit.

The officer froze, his moustache twitched. His eyes glanced over me once.

"Isaac, I-"

"I don't give a fuck what you were doing. This is my fucking mission. This is my problem. So let me handle it. We don't need a goddamn escort." I said, struggling to keep my voice down. I could feel my anger rise. He stuttered to find words.

"Look, Issac.. I'm just following orders.. I-"

"Well fucking quit. I'm sick of it. I have her. She's broken her arm, I'm taking her to get it fixed. Take your men. Keep the fuck out of my way."

"Goddamn it, Isaac I'm telling you, Brody ordered us to check up on you two. He's just making sure everything is going smoothly. He is dying to have this girl, Isaac. You've really caught his interest this time..."

"Well you can go tell Brody to fu-"  

 *tap tap tap...*

I turned to see a police officer tapping on the passenger side window and motioning to roll it down.

That fucker.

By this time, I was in a rage.

"Hey!" I yelled. He didn't turn around.

"HEY. Get away from her." I yelled louder, walking briskly over to him. He caught me in the side of his eye and spun around, backing up a few steps.

"Hey, buddy, calm the hell down. Just wanted to get a good look at 'er." He said in a deep voice, sneering at me. I didn't recogize him. 

"You got a look. Now you may leave." I said strongly. I turned to look back at Darius. "Both of you." 

There was a glance that passed between the two men. I didn't like it.

"I said you may leave." I repeated. The man that tapped on the window walked over to Darius, keeping one eye on me the entire time.

"We'll report back to Brody that everything is fine and she is on her way." Darius said, narrowing his eyes. I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"But Isaac." His voice caught my attention, my eyes darting back to him.

"You don't have much time. There can't be anymore stops. And keep a low profile" He said, his mustache twitching. He looked me up and down. " A lower profile..."

"I have plenty of Goddamn time-" I lashed.

"As you might think." He interrupted, his eyebrows furrowing. I glared at him.

"Like I said." He sighed. " We are only delivering a message."

"Fine." I grumbled. They began to turn away, but a thought ran through my mind.

"Wait." I called. They stopped, and turned. " Who called you guys? The police, I mean."

"Some girl calling from a gas station, saying her friend was kidnapped."


"Low profile, Isaac. Low. Profile."

"It's hard when she's looking to escape every chance she gets."

Darius' eyes glinted... "So, you haven't tried to sedu-"

"Hell no!!!!"

"I'm serious, Isaac. That may be the only way to do this."

"To trick her? That's sick, leave me some dignity."

"You have to think of Jocelyn." The strange man who tapped spoke up for the first time. I could see he had waited to say this. I could SEE he had so DESPERATELY wanted to be the one to make this blow on me.

Darius stepped between us.


"How dare you even mention her name...."

He froze, trying to figure out what to say next. The tapper-man stood behind him, fighting back a grin.

"Who the hell are you to even KNOW her name..." 

"Brody said-"

I could break diamonds with my bare fists the adrenaline was so great.

"How dare you even say her NAME." I said in a harsh whisper. My blood was swelling. I was about to punch him square in the jaw.

 "Look, we're leaving. Get in the Goddamn car, Lance. " He motioned harshly to the tapping man to get in the car. "We're leaving, Isaac. Just do what you have to do. "

And with that, they climbed into the police car, and drove off.

asdfghjkl :) any guesses as to what happens next?!?!?! CoMmEnT <3 IloveYouAll

WILD HUMANS (previously After School, Extra Credit.)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz