Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I stride into the gas station, with Mr. Davidson hot on my heels. I kept my hand close to me, but not in as awkward a position, to avoid stares. I pushed on the door, only to realize It said "PULL."

I heard a chuckle behind me. Rolling my eyes, I grumbled, and opened the door.

The gas station was highly air-conditioned. It smelled of bleach, and other cleaning supplies. The lights were florescent, in a sickly way, and tiled in rectangles on the brown leak-stained ceiling. 

"Just mopped. Watch your step, darlin." A sleasy-looking worker said, her khakis sprinkled at the edges with mop water and her polo t-shirt exposing her 30-year-old-woman cleavage. When I looked over to her, her eyes widened as they skimmed over me, and then she hungrily rested her gaze on Mr. Davidson.

Awkward....I turned to the left, down an isle of candybars, straight to the restrooms. I could still feel him walking behind me.

Right before I walked into the bathroom door, I turned. He stood there, leaning against the wall.

"You're not going to come in with me?" I asked sarcastically. He huffed.


I nodded, and pushed open the door into the bathroom.  It was exactly what you'd expect a gas station bathroom to look like. Grungy. 

As I walk over to the mirror and catch my own gaze, I gasp and jump back.

My face was sickly pale, and I had dark rings under my eyes. My hair was ratted, and had leaves and small twigs in it.

No wonder the worker looked at me so strangely. I looked like a freakin nature-loving vampire!!!

As I was staring wide-mouthed at my reflection, I noticed something else in the mirror. Behind me. 

A small, rectangular, dirty window, slightly opened. It was about 8ft from the floor.

It took a second to process everything, but as soon as I did, I darted around the room, trying to find something to stand on. My eyes met the trashcan, and I turned it over, spilling all it's contents on the floor, and put it under the window.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket, and dialed Allie's number.

It rang once.

"Claire?!?!?!!?! WHERE ARE YOU ARE YOU OKAY???" she practically yelled in the phone.

"Allie, I'm okay. For now. My hand is broken....oh my God...he's trying to kidnap me.." I said, tears beginning to well up. 

"Where are you. I've called the police. I'm going to beat his face in. " She said, I could hear her gritting her teeth..

"I'm in the gas station bathroom right now. There's a window here, I'm going to try and climb out. It's on the side of the building, can you park underneath it?" 

"I dont see a win- Oh, yeah, I see it. I'm parking under it now. Claire, I was so worried about you." I could hear her choking up. There was a giant lump in my throat.

"I'll try to climb out. Be out there in a sec." I said.

"Be careful, Claire. Love you, girl. You can do this."

"Love you too, Allie. Bye." I clicked END.

 Cradling my hand to my abdomen, I began pulling myself up.

(Issac's POV)

"Marlboro, please."

I handed the cashieer the money.

"Is that all I can get you?" She said in her best seductive voice, pouting her lips and pushing up her cleaveage by "non-chalantly" crossing her arms. I held back from rolling my eyes and telling her to fuck off.

"Yes. That'll be all." 

As she was giving me my change, I heard something plastic and hollow drop from the bathroom. 

I pocketed the change, and swiftly walked over to the bathroom doors. 

(Claire's POV)

My broken hand made this difficult. And Painful. 

I managed to get on my tip toes on the overturned trashcan, and had one hand hooked over the outside ledge of the window. 

One.. Two.. Three.... I hoisted myself up, pulling myself through the window. I was halfway-in, halfway out, both my arms dangling on the outside. The ledge of the window met with my chest.

Allie jumped out of her car as soon as she saw me, and ran to stand underneath the window.

"Claire!!! C'mon!!!!" She said in a hushed voice. I began to squeeze through the window further, using my one arm to-

...Oh shit............ 

My fucking hips... They were stuck.  was stuck...

I twisted, and tried to maneuver myself so that I could pull myself through, to no avail.

"Allie!" I whimpered. "I'm stuck!!!!" Her eyes widened.

She tried to jump up to grab my arm, but only our fingertips would meet. I was too high up for her grasp. She kept jumping, trying to grab me, but it was no use. She looked around desperately, trying to find something to stand on. 

A sick, dull sound made my heartdrop as I turned my head around.

The doorknob was jiggling.

His voice came muffled through the door. 

"Open the door, Claire."

WILD HUMANS (previously After School, Extra Credit.)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum