Chapter 33

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First of all, college is taking over my life. I'm so so so sorry I haven't been updating. I'll update as much as I can, so I hope you enjoy this chapter! <3 I love reading comments, so let me know what you think of Claire? Brody? Isaac? What do you think will happen next??? :3

Chapter 33

        I was frozen.

      Isaac stood beside an opened window, a soft breeze fluttering about his hair and rolled up sleeves. 

     "What are you doing here...." I breathed, trembling. I couldn't tell if it was a rush of releif or anger that came over me. He lowered his head before speaking..

    "I'm so sorry." He breathed. He faltered for a moment... "Claire, I'm so sorry." 

    I opened my mouth to speak but couldnt..

    He walked towards me, one hand outstretched. I took a mental step back..

   Before I knew it he was standing right before me, looking down at me...lovingly? 

   I took a physical step back and the look on his face dissapeared.

    "What the hell are you doing here..." I breathed, almost hissed. He froze...

    "I'm here to take you back."  

    My breath caught in my throat... 

     He tried taking a cautious step forward, his eyebrows furrowing, and his hand outstretched.

     "I'm here to take you back to your home..."

     "It's your fault I'm here in the first place." I spit, surprising myself. He's telling you he's coming to take you back home....why are you upset, Claire... Because he betrayed you.

     "I know...this is my way of apologizing." He said, glancing towards the door. I hesitated. I still didn't trust him... But I didn't trust Brody either. Between the two, I don't know who I could believe honestly.

     "Please. Brody broke the deal. I'll explain everything...but please just trust me so I can get you out of here..." His voice lowered to a whisper.

     "Deal...? SO I WAS JUST SOME PART OF A DEAL." I yelled, unable to control the tone of frustration in my voice.

    He rushed to quieten me...

   "I'm'll just have to trust me..."

    "Don't fucking tell me about trusting you." I hissed. He ran a worried hand through his hair.

    "You don't even realize how difficult you're making this..." Isaac said, wincing, glancing out the window worriedly.

    "If it weren't for you, none of this would have happened! I'm sick of being a pawn in your stupid game!" I said, gritting my teeth. This built up anger was making my heart race and my face redden.

     "Claire I-...." He froze, his eyes staring at my neck. I crossed my arms.

     "You have to calm down..." He said hurriedly, trying to extend a hand to me. I backed away, glaring at him. What the hell is he doing?

     "Don't FUCKING tell me to calm dow---!!!" I began shouting, but before I could finish my sentence he had clasped a hand over my mouth and in a quick rushed had pinned me down on the bed. I mumbled curse words at him under his strong hold and tried kicking him off to no avail. I didn't stop strugging.

     "CLAIRE." He whispered in a hushed voice close to my ear. I thrashed about. Suddenly, he took his other hand and wrapped it around my neck...... I whimpered and froze out of instinct...My breathing was heavy and rapid, and I could feel my pulse in my own head.

     "Your heart is racing." He said, leaning in close. " You're giving off too much of your scent. Do you think he can't sense that?! It's practically radiating through the goddamn house!!!!" He said through clenched teeth next to my ear. I whimpered and gave a small attempt to wriggle free, to which he stopped by getting a stronger grip on my neck. I froze. As badly as I hated to admit it, he had me wherever he wanted me right now. 

     "Look, I understand that you hate me. You've every right to. But if you want to live, you have to trust me on this one.I'm not asking for forgiveness. I'm asking to save you." He said, still pinning me to the bed. 

     I began to protest in mumbles, but he growled and subdued me once more with an icy glare.

     "Do you want to live." He said sternly, as if scolding a puppy. I hated this feeling of helplessness; feeling completely pinned and dominated as his muscles pressed into me.

   I hesitated...but nodded. Right now, Isaac was the only one who could get me out of this hell hole. I glared at him angrily. 

    "Now...I'm going to take my hand off of your mouth. And you're not going to scream. Right?" He said, raising an eyebrow. I didn't reply, I only glared.

     "Claire. Right?" He repeated himself. I sighed angrily, but nodded. Isaac seemed hesitant. As soon as he removed his hand, he backed away, as if I wouldve bitten him, if I had the chance. 

     Suddenly, his head jerks to the side to a bird flying past the window. He sighs in releif.

    "He won't be gone long... You'll have to trust me." He said, swiftly grabbing me around my waist, grabbing me up off of the bed. I yelped. 

     "Let go!!!" I squirmed as he made his way to the window.

     "Shhhh!!!! I told you to trust me!!" He scolded, jumping out of the window with one arm anchored around my waist, the other covering my mouth as I screamed as we fell.


(Brody's POV)

    I could hear her heartbeats pound from my bedroom. Her scent was pulsating like an alarm clock. I rushed through the front door and climbed the stairs in seconds. Just as I reached the beginning of the hallway, I heard a high pitched scream. Her scent left the house. Her scent just dissapeared. My heart froze as I slung my bedroom door open. 

     The window was open, sending in a breeze. She's gone. Her scent lingered, mixed with-

     Another scent, much fainter.... Isaac...... That goddamn bastard...

     She is fucking gone. 

    Gritting my teeth, I ripped off the door handle, sending shards of wood everywhere, and threw it against the window, sending glass shattering everywhere.  I stood there smoldering, anger steaming off of me. 

     So they want to fucking play hide and seek, do they? I ripped open my dresser, shredding clothes carelessly as I flung them across the room. Where the hell is it?

     Finally, I reached the very back of the bottom drawer. I pulled a small knob in the back, releasing a hidden compartment. I grabbed the shiny silver moon necklace, and clenched it in my fist. I tossed the entire dresser to the side, slamming it against the wall and splintering it.

    I was seeing red.

    A growl rose in my throat as I strided to the bed. I grabbed a fistful of the comforters, and inhaled, letting her scent settle into my lungs for memory. I sighed, my pupils expanding and dilating.  

    Isaac is going to die.

WILD HUMANS (previously After School, Extra Credit.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora