Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I'd love some feedback guys. :) What do you think of Mr. Davidson? Claire? Allie?

I rubbed the sides of my temples. Claire, you're about to be out of school for summer break. Don't worry about it. You'll have to put up with him for, like, 3 more days, and then you'll never see him again. I exhaled heavily, satisfied with that fact, and put the keys in the ignition.

It wouldn't start...

No. This seriously cannot be happening. I tried again.

It still wouldn't start.


I let my head drop onto the steering wheel, accidentally beeping the horn. I sat there for what seemed like forever in silence. I heard a light tapping on my window.

I jerked up, automatically pressing the 'lock' button on the doors. 

Mr. Davidson. I winced as soon as I saw his face in the dim light of the restaruraunt lights. He was still wearing his uniform. I reluctantly rolled down my window, just opening it a small crack.

"Yes?" I asked, thankful it was dark so he couldn't see my blushing face. Claire, you've embarassed yourself enough already. I honestly don't think it can get much worse. Just talk to him, see what he wants, then call for a ride.

"Are you..." He glanced at the hood of my car. " Having some car trouble?"

I sighed. "Yeah." 

"Would you like me to see if I can fix it for you?" He asked, leaning against the driver-side door. I mentally took a step away from him.

You have no idea about cars, Claire. He's your only hope right now. Just let him help, so you can get out of here. 

"Yeah." I said, glancing at him. 

"Can you please pop the hood?" He requested, his green eyes lighting up as they caught the street light.

"Uh, yeah...." I said, pushing the clutch to pop the hood. He walked around to the front of my poor jeep, and lifted the hood. I was glad the hood of the car was blocking his view. I released an exhale. Why do I care so much about what this guy thinks of me? Just because he's attractive... shouldn't mean that I need to start changing who I am or how I act. Tonight was supposed to be a nice, celebratory dinner between me and my best friend. It turned into a disaster.

I was beginning to doze off when he suddenly slammed the hood shut. I jumped. His hair was falling in his face, and his hands were slightly dirty. He walked back around to the drivers window, and I took another mental step back, although the seatbelt was stopping me from moving physically.

He sighed.

"Well, it's pretty much dead." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped. What do I do...

"...or at least, nothing that I can fix." He smiled. I exhaled into a smile as well. It was silent for a moment. 

"Uh..well...I'd better call for a ride.." I said, beginning to reach into my purse.

"No no no!!!" He said, a bit too suddenly, as he put his hands on the side of the car. He was practically leaning into the drivers side window.  My eyes widened and I moved away from him as much as the seatbelt would let me. My heart began racing, my palms beginning to sweat. He noticed this, talking his hands off the car, and a step back.

"I'll give you a lift home." He said, his voice a bit lower than usual. I froze. He had what seemed to be a shadow come across his eyes, darkening them. I realized I had been silent for several seconds, so I pushed myself to speak.

"That's very kind of you, but I think I'll.."

"I insist." He urged. I felt a cold stone hit my gut and rise up into my throat. My face was burning. I could hear my heartbeat. 

Oh my God. Should I go... what would he do? What are his intentions... I could call my mom for another ride.. but then again, maybe if he took me home, it'd be a good chance to apologize on how weird I've been acting around him. Maybe we could clear things up.. 

But there was still that instinct deep inside of me that told me to say no, that told me to lock the car, roll up the window,and call my mom.  I glanced at his emerald eyes, and the shadow was gone. There was, instead.....pleading..?

"I insist." He repeated quietly. I glanced around. The parking lot was empty, and the restaurant was shutting off it's lights. It didn't seem like I'd have a choice anyway..... I nodded.

I quietly unbuckled my seat belt, and grabbed my purse and backpack. I rolled up the window, and opened the door. He smiled. I felt my lips form a smile as well.

He offered to carry my bags, and led me to his car. My knees were shaking as we walked across the parkinglot. What the hell are you doing, Claire... 

His car was a silver BMW, with dark tinted windows. It looked like it has been polished with wax just recently, it was so clean.

"Here you are." He grinned, opening the passenger door for me. 

"Thanks.." I said quietly. I got in, and he closed the door behind me. My heart beat faster... 

The inside of his car smelled of his cologne. The leather seats squeaked under me as I settled in. The car was so neatly organized I was afraid to touch anything. A small, silver necklace hung from the rearview mirror. It caught the light of the streetlamps and glistened. I took a deep breath as he climbed in the drivers side. I adverted my eyes.

He started the car, the engine seeming to growl.

It was then I heard the doors lock.


WILD HUMANS (previously After School, Extra Credit.)Where stories live. Discover now