Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Um.. Claire, you okay?" Allie asked after we were seated in the back corner of Gondola's restaurant. I nodded. I pushed my hair back, and exhaled deeply. Allie looked at me with a frown, her auburn hair up in a bun. 

"Yeah, I'm just tired." I mumbled. Before Allie could object, an apron-wearing blonde approached our table, a small notebook in her hand. 

"Hi, I'm Sarah. What can I get for you to drink?" She asked, her voice a bit too bubbly. 

"Uh, water. With lemon, please." I said, glancing as she nodded at me. She looked to Allie.

"Coke is fine." 

"I'll have your waiter return with your drinks soon." Sarah said, lingering for a moment before striding off to the kitchen, her thick, blonde ponytail swaying side to side. 

Blonde. Mr. Davidson is blonde, too. And his eyes...emerald... Soon I found myself daydreaming, my  chin resting on one of my hands. 

"It's that teacher, isn't it." Allie said, grinning. I awoke from the daydream. What the hell..... How did she know???

"Uhm, no?" I scoffed. She didn't stop smiling. I grunted. 

"I can tell when my best friend is swooning over someone." She said with a wink.

"Yeah, he's hot, but that's not-"

"You admitted to it!!!!" She exclaimed, grinning even bigger now. I muttered curses under my breath. I glanced back up to see her still wearing that huge smile as she began to speak again.

"See? I told you he-"

I glared down at the table, and whispered loudly under my breath at her.

"OKAY! FINE! Yes, he's fucking hot. Mr. Davidson is fucking HANDSOME AS HELL. YES I like him. YES, I'm thinking about him, and quite frankly, I've been thinking about him A LOT. So, If you don't mind, I'd like to sit here in this damn restaurant and NOT think about-" My voice faded as I looked up to see her  brown eyes, as big as saucers, staring off to her left, and her mouth agape so much that you could have driven a truck through it. I felt a cold rock hit my stomach as I realized there was someone standing at our table.

"Uh, Ahem.. what could I get for you...?"

"uh.. I'm sorry about that-" I began.

I slowly looked up, ready to apologize for my language to the waiter for-


"...Mr.... Davidson.. I... I.....?" I stuttered. He was wearing an apron, and a white button-up long-sleeve dress shirt and black tie, and a very confused expression. He was holding a small notepad with a pen, staring at me with his emerald eyes, his pale lips in a thin line. It was as if someone had kicked me in the stomach and stole all of my breath. He adverted his eyes, looking at Allie.

"" Allie tried to speak for me as I continued my deer-in-headlights stare at this man.

"Uhm..I think we'll just pay for our drinks...and leave.." Allie said finally, rummaging through her wallet and placing a $10 bill on the table, over-paying for the drinks.

"Very well. " He murmured, his eyes capturing mine once again. I couldn't move.

I felt my heart squeeze blood through my veins a million times a minute as the blood rushed to my face. She grabbed her purse, and nudged me on the shoulder, and grabbed my wrist.

I adverted my eyes from him as she pulled me away, rushing us both out the door. The night air cleared my thoughts.

"I hate my life." I said, groaning, putting my hands on my head. Oh my Gosh. He had obviously heard what I had said. He's probably going to think I'm some horny, psychotic teenage girl ready to jump on him first chance I get. High Five, Claire!!!! How are you going to be able to face him tomorrow at school... You can't. You can't go to school. Fake a sick day, you can't face him again, not after that.

"Claire, look, It just... he probably didn't...I doubt he.. heard you.." Allie said encouragingly, her eyebrows furrowing. I frowned and looked down. My cheeks were on fire.

"It's okay, Allie." I said in a low voice. She sighed, and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. Her perfume was comforting, and it felt good to have a hug at a moment like this. I hugged her back.

"Thanks.." I muttered. She still had a frown.

"I'm gonna smoke for a bit," I said, reaching in my purse to find a cigarette and lighter. Allie frowned even more. I placed it between my lips in a hurry.

"I thought you were trying to quit..." she asked quietly. I ignored her as I lighted it. I took a deep inhale, feeling comfort in the nicotine swirling around my lungs. I shook my head.

"I am. But I need this one." I said in-between inhales. She nodded. I didn't need to be disturbed during a smoke. She knew that. I admit, this was a disgusting habit, but it was all I had to calm me down at the moment. We stood outside of the restaurant. Allie was a true friend. She waited until I had smoked  3 cigarettes before she spoke again.

"I'm gunna head home." She said quietly, taking her car keys out of her purse. I nodded, throwing another cigarette butt down.

"Thanks for staying out here with me. " I said sadly. She smiled.

"It's what friends are for. " she replied. She glanced at me once more before turning towards her parked car. 

"Call or text me later. Bye. Drive safe!" She called from her drivers side window. 

"Will do. See ya later." I waved. I looked down at my empty cigarette box, and shoved it back into my purse. I grabbed a piece of gum, and my car keys, and went to my Jeep. 

I sat in the Jeep for quite a while, reliving the horribly embarassing scene that just occurred in the stupid restaraunt behind me. How the hell was I supposed to know he was a waiter here?? Something's up with this guy. I know I've told myself this before, but now It's really boiling down to it.

A teacher... with a part-time job?!? Is that even legal??? He's always making eyecontact with me, and holding his gaze... 

Okay Okay, Claire. Just think this one through. Reasonably. Logically. Realistically.

1)he's a teacher.

2)he's creepy.

3)he's hot.

4) he's really hot.

5)he's everywhere.

WILD HUMANS (previously After School, Extra Credit.)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя