Chapter 14

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Chapter 14. 

(Claire's POV)

I had never been more happy to see the flickering blue lights of a police car in my life.

He still had be by my arm, but we had both turned around at the sound of the police sirens. They were in the distance, but approaching fast. 

"We have to go. NOW." He said, tugging on my arm, dragging me swiftly to his car. 

"Let GO!" I yelled. He didn't look back at me. My feet skidded against the concrete. His strength overpowered mine. We reached his car, and he threw open the passenger door, throwing me onto the seat. Before I could regain myself, the door was slammed shut. In a blink of an eye, he was in the seat beside me, starting the car and putting it in reverse.

"Buckle up." He said. I felt like I should listen to him this time....

Just as my seatbelt clicked into place, his foot was floor-boarding the gas pedal, my body pressed back into the seat. The tires squealed as he raced out of the parkinglot and onto the main road. 

"Why did you call them." His voice rang out through the speeding trees around us.

"I didn't!!" I yelped. I glanced at the speedometer... 110 milesanhour.....holy shit

"Slow down!!" I begged into the steady hum of the tires going at breakneck speeds.  He didn't listen. Instead, I felt the car shift gears as it began to go even faster. Glancing in the side mirrors, I noticed just one police car following us. 

I looked over at Mr. Davidson to see him glance in his rearview mirror as well. 

Just as my eyes turned back to the road, I saw a yellow line in the road ahead... no..fucking way....

He must have saw the yellow strip of spikes on the road right after I did, because he slammed on the breaks. Squeals of rage from the tires errupted in my ears, and my body was thrust forward, captured and held back by the seat belt. The car screeched to a stop. 

The police car skidded right  behind us, it's blue lights  and sirens piercing the darkness. My heart was about to leap out of my chest it was pounding so hard. I struggled to catch my breath.

"Stay in the car. Don't say anything to anyone. Not a word, do you understand?" He commanded, unbuckling his seat belt and opening his door. I was frozen from the adrenaline rush.

The door slammed shut as I glanced sideways to see him walking towards the police officer. I looked to the rearview mirror. The flashing lights only gave me a sight of the outline of the officer. He had a flashlight, and was shining it on Mr. Davidson.  

Mr Davidson had a way of words. I could tell by the way he was using his hands to speak to the officer. But.. the officer wasn't seeming to buy it. He stood there in a rigid fashion. 

A light tapping on the window beside me almost made me jump out of my skin. It was another police officer... His eyes were a striking yellowish brown. I could tell from his neck muscles that he was strong. Very strong. His chin had some light stubble, and his black hair was a bit shaggy for a police officer. He motioned for me to roll my window down...

asdfghjkl .Short, yes. Feedback, please. <3 much love, guys. COMMENT. 

WILD HUMANS (previously After School, Extra Credit.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat