Chapter 13

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Chapter 13.

(Isaac's POV)

    I stood staring into the cheap wood of the bathroom door after I shoved the change into my pocket. I heard her shuffling inside long before I had approached the door. There was muffled talking. Two voices. A small smirk found it's way onto my lips. 

She was still trying to escape.

For some reason, that pleased me. She was a fighter. She wouldn't go down easy. Even though she was making my mission a tad more difficult, it added some sort of vague excitement. With a broken hand, this girl still could manage to put up a fight. Brody would probably have his hands full with this-

At that thought my smile disappeared.

I went to open the door. Locked. That was to be expected.

"Open the door, Claire."

All movement from the bathroom ceased. I began jiggling the doorknob more fiercely, able to hear her heart race even from outside the door. 

"Don't make this difficult. It's no use." I said into the crack of the door. This little escape-artist wannabe was beginning to get on my nerves.  I did a mental countdown to break open the door


(Claire's POV)

I stared wide-eyed at Allie, who began to panic and try to reach me with no avail. 

"Don't fucking give up, Claire!!" Allie yelled at me. Tears stung my eyes.

"I'm trying!!!" I yelled back, and gritted my teeth as I stretched my hand out as far as I could. She jumped up as high as she could with a grunt.

Our palms finally met, and she grasped me, halfway digging her fingernails into me. A flush of hope ran through me. She began pulling down, trying to drag me out. The skin on my hips was burning I was so tightly wedged.

(Isaac's POV)

(Claire's POV)

Suddenly, a crash came from behind me. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.  My heart raced as Allie began pulling harder than ever. She had apparently heard the door crash, too.

"Allie!!" I screamed as I felt his rough hands grasp my ankles. He didn't pull however... 

"Claire." I heard him murmur. I shuddered. Allie was yelling for help, now, in vain. There were no cars parked at the gas station.

"You're making this too difficult." He seemed to hum the words, taking in my situation like molasses  on his tongue. 

"ALLIE!!!" I yelped. She grunted, and yanked on my hand even harder. She must have pulled too hard, for she lost her grip on my sweaty hands and fell smack on her ass.

A gush of air and I was pulled back into the bathroom, then captured into his chest wrapped with his arms. I tried to wriggle my way out with a grunt, but he only seemed to chuckle.

"Tsk, tsk. Claire, you're being so rough on me." He said, smiling through his words. 

"Shut up and let me GO!" I screamed, kicking against his shins. It didn't seem to effect him...He only gripped me tighter. 

"That's enough." He said in a rough, growl, one I had never heard him use before. It scared me into being still.

"Good girl." He murmured. I grit my teeth as he pulled me closer into his chest. My face was pressed into his shirt.

"Now. Your hand is broken. I am taking you to the hospital. And you are not going to struggle." He said, not easing his grip.  I didn't reply. He grabbed me by my arm and drug me out of the bathroom, stepping over the door that lay broken on the ground. I drug my feet.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED IN THERE?!?!?!" The whore-ish cashieer lady yelled as we walked by the counter.

"Nothing happened." Mr. Davidson said as he pulled out a couple of $100 bills from his pocket and laid it on the counter. Her mouth dropped open like a fish without water. She snapped it shut, and pocketed the cash as she watched us leave.

(Isacc's POV)

She was dragging her feet. Stubborn little chick. 

The doors of the gas station let out a ding to announce our leave, and I pulled her straight to the car.  I hadn't had time to get gas. Fuck. 

Oh well. We'd have enough til the next stop.

A sharp sound made me swing my head over my shoulder. 

Sirens. The flicker of blue lights through the trees speeding this way.

The little bitch had called the cops.


WILD HUMANS (previously After School, Extra Credit.)Where stories live. Discover now