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Friday the 25th of October 2019

'Luke Hemmings, outstanding achievement in Chemistry, English, Mathematical Methods, Physical Education and Physics,' his year level coordinator read out as Luke walked up to get his high school certificate. 'Service to school for sport, football captain and athletics captain. Service to Moore House as house captain in 2019.'

My heart was swelling with how proud I was of Luke and all of his achievements throughout the year. He looked so content when receiving his awards, which meant he was proud of himself, something he would never admit as he is humble when it comes to his school achievements, but he works hard and deserves every bit of recognition that he will get today.

'Ashton Irwin, outstanding achievement in, English Literature, General Mathematics, Legal Studies, Musical Studies and Physical Education,' the year level coordinator called out, as my brother walked up onto the stage in the auditorium, a beaming smile on his face.

'Yay Ashhyyy!' Jordan called out, who was sitting in between myself and Mum, everyone around us giggling at Jordan's antics, my Mum just telling him to be quiet until we got to see Ashton later.

'Now we have a surprise performance from a group calling themselves 5 Seconds of Summer, boys come up on stage,' our principle said, once all students had been presented to the school and all the awards were over.

I was taken by surprise at this, as I knew they played together in their spare time sometimes, but I had no idea that they had taken on the name that I suggested and I certainly had no idea that they would be playing at their Year Twelve graduation ceremony.

'Hey guys, congrats on finishing year twelve,' Luke said into the microphone, earning a cheer from their year level who was sitting in the first three rows of the auditorium. 'Some of you know that the four of us are sort of in a band and we would like to play for you today. We wrote this song about finishing high school and all the struggles that come along with it, this is 'Gotta Get Out,' thanks guys, we hope you enjoy it.'

Ashton began to play the drums like he had never done before, then before I knew it Calum was shredding on his bass and Luke and Michael were playing their guitars like that's what they were born to do.

All four boys had so much talent that was on display today and I think everybody in the room was absolutely mesmerised at just how good they all sounded and played.

'Did you know that they were doing this?' I whispered to my Mum towards the end of their performance.

'No, but I am glad that they did,' she said with a smile, unable to take her eyes off the stage, watching her son in his element. 'God I wish they would all pursue music, they are all so talented.'

I nodded in agreement as the boys wrapped uo their performance, all of them saying a quick thank you into their microphones before heading off stage, their whole year level giving them a standing ovation.

The school captains, Niall Horan and Isla McCall made their final speeches, before they all walked out of the auditorium to the sounds of Green Day's 'Good Riddance,' everyone person in the school clapping and cheering for the one hundred students who had just finished school and are onto their next journey, which for most people is finishing their exams and then partying like their is no tomorrow.

'Let's go see Ashton yeah?' I asked Jordan who nodded profusely as I picked him up in my arms as we all slowly walked out to find our families and siblings.

We eventually found Ashton who was standing with Luke and his family, Liz taking photos of the two boys with their graduation certificates.

'Ashhhyyy!' Jordan called from my arms, indicating that he wanted to be put down to run over to his big brother.

'Hey my little dude, want to get a photo with Luke and me?' Ashton asked as Jordan reached the two boys.

'Yeah!' Jordan said with a giggle and a grin, Ashton picking him up, the two boys now with matching smiles on their faces.

I had to explain to Jordan that Luke and I got back together, which made him super confused but he got there in the end, saying that he was glad Luke was back and that I was happy again.

'Shall we get a sibling photo?' I suggested once Ashton and Jordan were done taking photos with Luke. Ashton nodded, handing Jordan over to me whilst my Mum took some photos of the three of us, all smiling and laughing about nothing in particular, just the fact that we were all together was enough to make us laugh.

'Congratulations, I am very proud of you,' I said to Ashton when it was just the two of us. Ashton and I were never one to have sentimental moments but when we did, we both really meant the words that were coming out of our mouth.

'Thanks Sienna, your turn next' he said with a grin and I just groaned, knowing what was in store for me next year. 'I couldn't have done it without you though, seriously Sienna, thank you for all your help this year.'

'Oh please, you're a borderline nerd, my help was purely out of obligation.'

'Shut up,' Ashton laughed, ruffling the top of my head. 'Anyways, I think Luke wants to talk to you know. See you later Si.'

'Bye Ash,' I said with a grin as Luke walked over to me, a smile on his face. 'Congratulations babe!' I exclaimed, throwing my arms around him, Luke laughing at my enthusiasm as he wrapped his arms around my tightly.

'Thank you gorgeous, did you like our performance?' he asked and I nodded profusely.

'I loved it, I'm just mad that you didn't tell me you were performing,' I laughed and Luke just shrugged his shoulders in defence.

'It was a surprise,' he laughed. 'And I'm glad that you liked it Sienna, the song is sort of about you.'

'Seriously?' I asked and Luke nodded, resting his hands on my waist softly, a smile on both of our faces.

'Yeah, but that is a story for another time,' Luke grinned. 'Shall we get some photos before we head to the student ceremony?' Luke asked and I nodded before he called Liz over to take photos of the two of us.

The student ceremony was a ceremony run by the year elevens, including myself, giving out awards to the year twelves and basically just celebrating the leavers in a more personal way.

Once Liz had finished taking photos of Luke and me, I made my way to the gym where the student ceremony was being held, and that is when it truly hit me, Luke was not going to be around at all next year.

No more sitting in the library together during our frees and no more riding home from school with him. No more late night trips to the beach on the weekend, and no more quick locker kisses from him either.

It was scary, knowing that he was not going to be around anymore, and that I had no idea what was going to happen between us when he leaves.


Okay I legit hate this chapter but I need to get it up coz graduation is kind of the beginning of the end :)))))

Ahhh yeah not much to say lol

Thanks for reading xx

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