Chapter 25: the truth part 2

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I heard a soft knock on the door and looked over at the clock. She wasn't kidding when she said she'd be back at 7am sharp. Mom, Dad, Maggie and Esther all walked in and gave me quick "hello's" and "good morning's." The room was then filled with silence as I awkwardly watched them put their stuff down.

"Knock, knock" I heard my nurse say as she came to give my morning medications.

"Good morning Nancy."

"How was your night?" Nancy asked me.

"Uh, it was good." I gave her a half smile.

"We're gonna go get some coffee" Maggie said as she and my parents walked to the door. "Esther, you coming honey?"

Esther looked over to her mom, "no, I think I'm gonna stay here."

We heard the soft sound of the door shut and Esther quickly grabbed a chair and sat down beside me. I could tell she was nervous as she fatigated with her hands.

"Auntie (y/n), I need to talk to you..." she said in a serious tone. I could see tears in her eyes as she finally made eye contact with me. "I believe you. I- I knew there was something wrong. Robbie tried to tell me but I- I couldn't-" she stuttered.

"Honey, it's okay." I grabbed her hand.

"The night terrors haven't stopped. They never have. He tries to hide them from me but- but he isn't as good at that as he thinks he is." she shook her head and put her hands through her long brown hair. "I always knew he was different, even when we were kids, but I- I must say I just thought it was the crush talking" she chuckled before becoming serious again. "His eyes, they're not human..."

I looked deep into her eyes as she looked back in mine.

"They aren't." was all I could say.

We both jumped as the sound of the door opening split through the tense atmosphere.

"Everything okay?" Maggie asked as she came over and handed Esther her coffee.

"Yeah." she replied before getting up.


I pushed my oatmeal around in the bowl, not feeling very hungry. Putting the spoon down I sighed, feeling a slight tingle in my arm.

"You have to eat" my dad spoke up.

"I'm not hungry."

"C'mon." he urged as he pulled his chair closer to me and put his mug on the tray. He lifted up the spoon, "here."

"Dad, no." I protested. "You don't have to feed me."

"I know I don't have to, I want to."

I sighed, finally taking a bite.

"You barely eat, the doctor said you were underweight, you have to eat something." he came closer to me and whispered, "you're mom is worried sick, you don't look good honey, we can all see it. So please, for us."

I ate most of what was in the bowl, actually feeling full for the first time in days.


I sat once again waiting for my doctor before physical therapy.

"Hey stranger!" I saw Michael wheel up next to me.

It was nice to see him, he was a kind man who seemed to always have a smile on his face.

"Hello" I smiled back.

"It's a beautiful day outside" he pointed out, making me look to the window.

The blue sky was littered with white fluffy clouds and the tops of the tall trees swayed slightly in the wind.

"Yeah, guess I haven't really noticed" I chuckled.

"That's something I never forget to do, no matter how hard life seems to get, I always look outside. Take in the view, get fresh air, it's important." A small smile came to his lips as he looked over at me.

"Yeah, I guess you're right."


I sat in my hospital bed as I looked out the large window. Michael was right and I guess I had been so wrapped in what was going on that I didn't ever take time out to just enjoy what was right in front of me. The soft sound of the TV played in the background as I gazed as the slow moving clouds before averting my attention to my parents who seemed content watching another episode of Jeopardy. My eyelids began to feel heavy and my body felt relaxed. My father quietly cheered as he guessed an answered correct, causing me smile slightly to myself. My eyes soon made their way back to the window and at that moment, it was everything stopped. It happened so fast, as soon as it came, it went. I felt as though if I blinked I would miss it.

A single red balloon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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