Commander (Bellamy Blake)

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Requested by @thehider1. Hope you enjoy it!

Two years. That's how long it has been since you were sent down to Earth. Used essentially as a guinea pig to see if you their theories of your black blood were correct. Who would have thought a routine health check would have you sent to Earth to test your chances of survival. But here you are, not only surviving, but ruling as the commander of the Trikru.

Life on Earth was difficult for when you first arrived. You had no knowledge of Earth, or any useful skills when it came to survival. But your common sense and determination went a long way in helping you. Through trial and error, you taught yourself how to build adequate shelter, you avoided eating anything that looked even the slightest bit poisonous, although you did have a few close calls in the beginning.

After many months of surviving on your own, exploring as much of your new home as you could everyday, you stumbled upon civilisation. The Trikru people to be precise. Before you had the chance to look around and meet people, you were captured by Anya's guards, who took you to be interrogated by her. She questioned you relentlessly, at first not believing your story. Only when she cut your arm and saw your black blood for herself did she believe you.  She took you under her wing, showing you their way of life and teaching you how to fight, ready for when another tribe attacked.

When Anya was captured by the Mountain Men, you became the Commander of the Trikru. Being Commander was hard work, especially when the 100 were becoming a greater threat since establishing themselves and building a permanent camp.

Having had enough of the threat posed by the 100, you ordered your guards to take one of them prisoner, telling them to grab the first one they came across. Unfortunately for you, that person was Octavia Blake, Bellamy Blake's sister.

"My brother will find me, and when he does, you're all dead." Octavia spat before you gagged and bound her to shut her up, locking her away out of sight.

She wasn't lying. After a day of her capture, Bellamy and some of the 100 had found your tribe, causing panic and destruction until they found you.

"Where is my sister?" Bellamy screamed at you, unable to contain his anger.

"She's being kept locked up." You shrugged, not willing to disclose her location yet.

Your response infuriated Bellamy, but you knew it would, you knew his trigger was Octavia. Having known them both on the Ark, you knew how protective he was of her. Although Bellamy not recognizing you hurt, you couldn't blame him, after all, your appearance had changed quite a bit since he last saw you. Your hair was no longer well maintained, instead dirty and matted, along with numerous tribal tattoos, you were a completely different person.

Unable to stop himself, Bellamy lunged forward, grabbing your arms and pinning you against the wall. "I won't ask again. Where is my sister?"

Locking eyes with him, seeing no way out of the situation, you ordered your guards to stand down before sighing. "Come on Bell, you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt O."

Bellamy was taken back by your response. His eyes scanned your face over and over again, realisation washing over his features after what seemed like an eternity. "Y/N?" He whispered, still not sure if it really was you.

"Took you long enough." You joked, trying to relieve the built up tension.

Bellamy laughed lightly before embracing you in a bone crushing hug. "We all thought you had died after losing contact with you." He cried, suddenly overcome with emotion.

"I almost did many times." You admit as you pulled away from him. "But that's conversation for another day. Now it's time to get Octavia." You smiled at him before leading him to his sister, happiness flowing through you now you had your friends back. 

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