Monty Green imagine

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You were wandering up and down the end of the beds, tapping an absent tune on your leg.

"Will you sit down?" Monty asked, not trying to hide the exasperation in his voice.

"Mont, I'm bored." You said, dragging the final word out.

You then flopped onto the bed beside Monty, tilting your head so that you could still see him. There was a slight frown on his face.

"Well then." He said, shifting so that he was sitting closer to you. "Do you remember when we diverted the electricity of the classroom to the canteen for a party?"

You chuckled at that, nodding slightly. "Yeah, I got detention for a week!" You said, grinning. "How come you didn't get it again?"

A sly smirk slipped across Monty's face. "I'd fixed the projector the week before; I think the tutor was afraid I'd sabotaged it." He said with a shrug.

"Well that's just cheating." You said moodily, folding your arms across your chest in a mock sulk.

Monty ruffled your hair, causing you to bat his hand away, a smirk on your face though.

But then your heart sank as a few people began muttering their good nights and shuffling off to their beds. While you'd grown up living in the enclosed space of the Ark, since getting to Earth you'd grown too used to sleeping under the stars for Mount Weather to be like home. It wasn't something you'd voiced, you were pretty certain that everyone else would think it was silly. But the boredom meant it was a conversation you were prepared for.

"Mont." You said in a small voice. " you think we'll get back to the surface again?" You asked tentatively.

"We'll get back out there. I promise." He said, and there was a certainty behind his voice that reassured you. 

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