shorter (Monty Green)

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The technical tent was bustling when you woke up that morning, yawning as you slipped through the folds you noticed that Monty was helping Raven and Wick with something. There was a few others milling around the place- Miller was questioning one of the attractive mechanics about something you were certain he could've worked out in his sleep.

"Hey, Monty." You said, leaning against one of the shelves as Monty fiddled with the wires in something, "What's going on in here?"

Monty grunted slightly in acknowledgement, fiddling with another wire, his tongue poking out of the side of his mouth in concentration. You smirked before glancing around, looking for the pliers so you could help.

After a few moments of looking around you glanced back over at Monty, who had finally straightened up and was looking towards you.

"Hey Y/N." He said happily, as if only just realising you were there. "You okay?"

A look of confusion slipped onto your face, and you ran a hand through your hair- were you going crazy? You were certain you'd left the pliers on a shelf at around waist height.

"Yeah." You said slowly, wandering towards him. "I just...I dunno where the pliers are."

A smirk slipped onto his face, and you were pretty certain that there was a light blush on his cheeks. "They're there." He said, pointing to one of the top shelves.

You groaned, there was no way you were going to get them from there. 

"Hey, don't worry." Monty said quickly, practically darting around the table so that he was by your side. "I'll get them."

He reached up to them, going on his tiptoes slightly, before handing them to you. His hand was shaking before darting back off to work.

"Thanks Monty." You said brightly, shifting to help him with the wiring. But you caught Raven's eye as you moved. There was a knowing smirk on her face that made you blush slightly.

"Anytime." Said Monty in a small voice, making you look towards him with a grateful smile on your face.

To say that things seemed to be appearing on the higher shelves a lot more frequently after that would have been somewhat of an understatement. You'd been constantly having to ask Monty to get things for you, from the wires to sort out another radio to the saw to try and sort out the piping in the Ark shell. Not that you minded of course, it gave you something to talk to him about. In fact, Monty seemed to be glad of the assistance you needed, always obliging you with a wide grin on his face before starting to ask how you were as you worked.

One evening, however, you realised that you'd left your bag in the tent, and hurried back to get it. You paused in the door though, hearing someone shifting things inside. Your heart hammered worriedly in your chest, and you pulled back the flap just enough to peer into the tent.

The glimpse you got told you everything you needed to know. You saw Monty shifting the drill that you said you needed to use the following day to a shelf that was too high for you. A blush crept up your cheeks, but a smile slipped easily onto your face as you wandered away, deciding to get your bag later.

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