John Murphy Imagine

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Requested by dundaisy.

You and Murphy had been exploring in the forest for a few hours. You hadn't found anything exciting, until you tripped over something on the ground.

John rushed to your side to help you up, then you both focused on looking for what you tripped over.

After about ten minutes of searching, John called you over. 

"Y/N, come see this!" He shouted while pointing to something on the ground.

"What is it?" You asked, confused. 

"I'm not sure."

On closer inspection, you could see it was a metal handle.

"I wonder what's under here." You muttered to yourself.

"Let's find out." John said with a smirk on his face.

John brushed the leaves away, uncovering a metal door. Using both hands, he just managed to pry the door open. 

"After you." John said, out of breath.

You climbed down a ladder that seemed to lead to nowhere, with John not far behind you. 

After what seemed like forever, you made it to the end of the ladder. You jumped off and turned around. What you saw surprised you. It seemed to be a bunker, left behind by those who once owned it. It was very big, but there were some very interesting things inside of it. There were lots of painting, which seemed to be made by a child. There were cans of food scattered around, a couple of make shift beds and some photos of a family. 

"Anything we could use for the camp down here?" John asked, once he had got to the bottom of the ladder.

"No, not really." You mumbled, turning to sit on one of the beds.


You and John had been in the bunker for a few hours now, just talking and catching up. You hadn't really seen each other recently.

"You ready to go back?" John asked, obviously getting bored.

"Yeah, sure." 

You followed John up the ladder, starting to regret coming down in the first. You wasn't sure what it was, but you felt uneasy about something. 

"Y/N!" John shouted to you, snapping you out of your thoughts.


"I can't open the door, it's stuck!" He said, annoyed.

"You're joking, right?" You asked, worried. 

"No." He said, sounding just as worried as you.

You both climbed back down to the bunker and sighed. 

"What are we going to do?" You asked.

"There is nothing we can do but sit and wait until they realise we're missing and come find us." He sighed.

This was your worst nightmare, being trapped in a confined space with no exit. You started to panic. Your breathing quickened, you starting sweating and pacing up and down. As you began panicking more, you started shaking. Soon the shaking was uncontrollable and you fell on one of the beds, crying hysterically.

John, who was already frustrated, stood up abruptly.

"Y/N, shut up, your panicking isn't helping the situation!"

But you couldn't help it. Your anxiety levels kept rising, increasing your need to panic. 

This caused John to get even more irritated.

"What is it going to take to get you to calm the fuck down?" He yelled in frustration.

"Come here." You cried.

"What?" He questioned.


Confused, he walked over to you, gently sitting beside you on the bed.

You sat up, placed yourself behind him, and wrapped your legs around his waist. You lifted your arms so your hands could reach his hair, and started it play with it. 

"What are you doing?" John asked, still confused.

"My mum used to let me do this when I had a panic attack, it helps to calm my anxiety." You explained, quietly.

"I see." He said, relaxing as you stroked your fingers through his thick brown hair. 

After about ten minutes of you playing with his hair, you seemed to have calmed down. John took this as an opportunity to make sure you were going to be okay and not go crazy while you waited to be found.

He reached round, grabbed your waist, and placed you so you were now sat on his lap, facing him. He placed one of his hands on the side of your face, and the other on your side. 

"Y/N, I'm so sorry for yelling at you earlier, I was just so frustrated that I couldn't get the door open and I didn't want to be trapped down here." He explained, looking at you sadly.

"I guess it's okay, you made up for it by letting me play with your hair. And besides, we can spend time together now." You smiled. 

"Yeah, we can. And I'm sorry for not spending time with you recently. I'm not sure if you've noticed but Bellamy has been making me work for my place in the camp." 

"I've noticed." You sighed.

"I promise, once we get out of here, and Bellamy gets off my case, I'll make it all up to you." 

"That sounds great." You smiled.

John wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace, and you did the same, waiting to be found.

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