First date

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The first date the two of you had was on the observation deck of the Ark. He'd basically told everyone that there was something wrong with it, purely so that the two of you could have a romantic meal amongst the stars. You even got to see a shooting star while you were sharing desert.


Your date didn't happen for a while, with the whole getting thrown in confinement and then ending up on Earth together you had a lot on your plates. But, when it eventually did happen, the two of you snuck out of camp to find a treehouse which you'd come across. You just spent time getting to know each other, learning about your lives.


The two of you were always up for exploring, so your first date consisted of multiple games of twenty questions while looking around Earth, trying to make sense of everything. You helped each other with getting over some of the more difficult obstacles, and even sat on top of a small hill to look out across the forest, resting your head on his shoulder.


There wasn't really much to do on the Ark, and the both of you knew it. But, with your parents out at work, the two of you decided to hold your first date in your place. You sat together on the sofa, watching the old movies which your father had collected from the exchange and laughing at how badly they represented living in space sometimes.

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