Nathan Miller Imagine

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"You don't have to do this." You whispered, Nathan's hand tight in yours. Tears were stinging at your eyes but you forced them back. 

"I want to." He said, pressing his lips into a small smile. "I'd give up anything to be with you."

His hand cupped your cheek, brushing away the tear that slid down it with the pad of his thumb. Your heart ached for the love he had for you, but your mind raced with anxiety. So many things could go wrong in a procedure like this, not to mention the pain.

"Are you all set?" The doctor asked. She was a few years older than you, blonde and clean-cut. You'd never spoken to her before but everyone knew everyone around here.

"Just one more minute." You said, barely glancing at her. You lowered your voice, squeezing Nathan's hand tighter still. "It's too risky. Nothing is worth losing you."

"When I said I'd give you the world, I meant it. You're going to love the ground, just wait until you can breathe real air."

His touch fell from your cheek and he was whisked away into the operating room. A nurse came by to prep you for your own procedure, but her words were nothing but a mumble of background noise as you stared at the doors Miller had disappeared behind.

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