Bellamy Blake Imagine

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You and Bellamy had been dating for a long time. You had been there for one another through pretty much everything. You were always prepared to look out for each other, even when there were times when you thought that being alone was the only way to cope. You had been there for him when the Ark found out about Octavia, and the consequence of that. You were the one to make sure that he wasn't too down about the whole thing; the bright light in his life during that time which helped him come through that time rather than allowing him to close up, to refuse to talk as he plotted his revenge.

For his part Bellamy was always there for you. Whenever you were feeling down he was the one to try and put the pieces back together; to try and remind you what you still had; he tried to help you smile, to remember the god which seemed so outweighed by the bad in your mind sometimes.

There was one part of your life which always came crashing back down on you though. One aspect which you thought you had overcome with the help of Bellamy, and his ability to listen even when you thought you were being silly.

You were perched on the edge of your bed, a piece of metal that you'd found from the dropship in your hands. You'd been contemplating the help it could give you for a while. You had been playing with the metal for a while now, wondering what to do. A small part of you thought that there had to be something else, that the hardships you'd faced were finally over despite the latest blow. But another part remembered how this had been your coping method so many times.

 "Y/N?" Bellamy asked gently, pulling your attention away from the metal.

He was standing in the doorway of the tent. There was a sadness behind his eyes which you were familiar with. He had always been there for you. He had been there through the dark times, trying to make sure that you knew how much he cared, and how he was always there for you when you needed it.

"It just hurts." You muttered, turning your attention back towards the metal. You meant your heart, and you knew that the understood.

In an instant Bellamy was sitting next to you, one hand gently over the metal and making you blink the rest of the world back into existence. His other hand was gently on the small of your back, reminding you that he was there for you.

"I know." He said softly. "But it'll ease. Just...just please, talk to me."

You wetted your lips before looking over to him. You swallowed a lump before letting the words fall out from your mouth. There was something about his expression which always helped to calm you. You knew that he was there for you. That he cared about what you said. And, when you thought the words had all dried up, he pulled you close, taking the metal in his own hand as you no longer felt the need for it. He hugged you, kissing the top of your head gently.

"I love you." He assured you as you nuzzled your head into his chest. "It's gonna be all right."

"Thank you." You mumbled, feeling the desire for the metal ebb away. You knew that bottling it up wasn't good, you were just glad that you had the safety of Bellamy there to help you through it.

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