John Murphy Imagine

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Since the adults had arrived Murphy had been sat at the side-lines trying not to hit any of them for the stupid comments that they kept coming out with. More often than not, however, it was just annoyance at himself for not having saved you that caused him to be in such a foul mood. How could he have let you get taken to Mount Weather? How could he have prevented it? How could-?

He shook his head clear of these thoughts, knowing what you'd say about it.

"Come off it, John." He could practically hear you chuckle slightly. "What's the use in thoughts like that?" And then you'd push his head away from you. "Try getting some positivity in there." You then snaked an arm around his waist, pulling him into a side hug that always made things feel as though they would be all right.

The mere idea of it all made a small smile play on his lips. But how was he meant to stay positive when you weren't there? Nobody in this place seemed to like him- and, if he was brutally honest with himself, he knew the reasons why. In fact, he often questioned why you'd stuck by him through everything. Why, with a simple look, you knew how he was feeling. How you knew if he needed a hug, or for you to play with his hand as a way of distracting his mind, or if he just needed you to be there beside him as the demons fought in his head. It was what he liked about you. Your compassionate nature that had helped you look after The 100.

"We have to leave them." Said Markus simply, and the words felt like a punch to the gut to John.

"You what?" He asked, jumping to his feet, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. His hands were balled by his sides. He tried desperately to keep his breathing even.

"We just can't-"

"We're not leaving Y/N!" John interrupted sharply. "All of those people are alive right now because of her." He said, throwing an arm over his shoulder to point towards the Arkers wandering around on Earth, living their lives.

A look of confusion flashed across Markus' face, but a moment later he nodded. "Okay."

John's heart was lifted, but he tried to keep his expression neutral. He was going to save you. He was going to be there for you, always. He made a mental note to tell you just what you meant to him when you were united.

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