Bellamy Blake Imagine

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Requested by @PAPILLONS101,hope you like it!! 

Exploring Earth was one of the highlights of having ended up on the planet. At first the prospect had terrified you. The idea of the unknown, the fact that there were rumors around the camp of there being other people, and the fact that you were only in a small forest but knowing there was a huge wide world out there was something which made your head spin a little. You were no longer stuck in the confines of the Ark, and that excited you.

There were downsides though. You knew that Bellamy was keeping an eye on you- having known him since you were little meant that he was protective of you. You were a little glad that he had your back most of the time, but there were times where it just got annoying. You'd had the lecture about not going too far away, about staying in the camp until other people had looked around. But you didn't want to do any of that. You wanted to explore the place yourself. You wanted to be the first person to see the wonders, rather than getting them second hand.

So one day you did just that. You left a message for Bellamy with Miller:

"Hey." You'd said, catching his arm. "Can you tell Bellamy that I've gone exploring?"

His face had blanched slightly, and you could see that he was wondering what to do.

"Thanks." You told him, winking before rushing away. There was no way you were letting anything get in your way this time.

And so it was because of that you were stalking through the woods, looking around at everything and trying to drink it all in. In your mind you were trying to memorise it all. Trying to make sure that you knew the place as well as you could. It also meant, however, that you weren't really paying attention to where you were going.

"Great." You said, turning in a circle in a small glade. You couldn't remember which way you'd come from, the sun was slowly sinking. You knew that you only had a little while before it was night- the one time you didn't want to be exploring.

At the camp Bellamy was looking for you. He was talking to your friends, asking them if they'd seen you. So far, he'd had no suck luck in even finding out if you'd been up that morning- though he knew you had, he'd checked your tent. Worry was beginning to bubble up in his stomach. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't lose you. He didn't want to dwell on what may have happened.

"Hey, Bellamy?" Said Miller, jogging up beside him. There was a slight frown on his face, and Bellamy was certain that he was holding something back, weighing up the prospect of sharing.

"What's wrong?" Asked Bellamy quickly, folding his arms so that he didn't nervously tap his leg.

"I heard you were looking for Y/N." Said Miller, and Bellamy felt slight relief washing over him. Someone had seen you. "She told me to let you know that she'd gone exploring."

Bellamy's heart felt as though it had dropped. "Exploring?" He echoed, trying to keep his voice steady. Panic crashed over him. He'd spoken to you about that, about the dangers that came with it. He couldn't...well, actually he could believe that you'd gone and done it anyway, but that didn't make it easier for him to deal with.

"Thanks." He said, clapping him on the back gently before wandering away, knowing that he had to find you.

He wandered through the forest, checking all the nearby places, all the little hidey-holes that he knew you looked to. But you were nowhere to be found. His panic began to bubble up. He couldn't not search further- the sun was setting and he didn't want to think about you being out there alone.

So he kept going, using the skills he'd gained for hunting to try and track you.

And then he saw you, just as the sun was slowly slipping behind the treeline. You were wandering through the forest, looking at the trees as if trying to find something familiar. 

"Y/N!" He said rushing towards you.

You turned around quickly, fear washing over you just before you realised who it was. Bellamy pulled you into a tight hug, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.

"You're safe." He mumbled as you wrapped your arms around him.

"Of course I am." You chuckled slightly. Now, can you remember the way back?"

He laughed, moving away but moving his hand to take yours. "Of course I can." He said, but you could see the relief washing over his expression.

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