Shorter (John Murphy)

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"And so I was telling Luke." Said Glass brightly, a dreamy smile on her face as she rattled on about her boyfriend for the fifth time in what felt like ten minutes. "About the time we went to the Exchange to get dresses for the ceremony."

You nodded along, not really paying attention to what she was saying, by this point you were only really dealing with her because your mother had been friends with hers.

But a weight suddenly pressed against your shoulders made you smile. Someone had their arms folded behind your neck, their arms resting across your back.

"Hello ladies." You heard John say, his breath tickling your hair slightly. 

You chuckled lightly, he always did this. Whenever you were trying to talk to people he'd always come along and remind you that he was that much taller than you. It had become a comforting habit now, one that actually helped sometimes.

You noticed that Glass' eyes narrowed at you, her gaze flickering distastefully over John for a moment before she jutted her chin out slightly. 

"What's up, John?" You asked, smirking at Glass' reaction.

"Oh, not a lot Y/N." He said smoothly, shifting so that he was standing on one side of you, still resting an elbow on your shoulder though. "All right, Glass?"

The other girl huffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "I've got to go." She said, shining you a weak smile. "See you around." And, with that, she strutted off, waving to a few of the girls that were in your classes.

"Have you seen Lewis?" Asked John once Glass was finally annoying someone else.

A sense of forbidding washed over you. John only ever wanted to speak to the boy from Walden when he needed something to cause trouble with. Something which often ended up with him almost getting arrested for something illegal and you flirting with the guard to try and cover for him.

You shrugged, dislodging John's arm so as to turn to face him. "No, why?" You asked slowly, raising a sceptical eyebrow at him.

John awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. "I...I um, just wanted-"

"Hey, Y/N." Called Thalia excitedly, rushing over to you and cutting John's explanation off.

You heard him give a sigh of relief before he quickly rested his elbow on your shoulder once more.

"You know." You said in little more than a growl to John as Thalia skidded to a halt in front of you, almost toppling into the table beside you. "I'm not your freaking leaning post, right?"

John chuckled lightly, shifting to ruffle your hair. "Aw, but that's the occupation of short people, isn't it?"

You rolled your eyes at him, but you couldn't help but smirk as you batted his hand away.

"No, especially not without being asked anyway." You said, shaking your head at him as he gasped dramatically. "Anyway." You said a little louder, turning your attention towards Thalia who was grinning sheepishly as she straightened her shirt. "You were trying to say, Thal?"

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