Jasper Jordan imagine

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You and Jasper were walking back towards the Ark, joking around like normal. Despite everything that had happened in Mount Weather Jasper was slowly coming back to being the boy you'd grown up with. He had a handful of berries that you'd gone to collect, and every so often was eating them so that the pile was now considerably smaller than when you'd finished picking them.

"And then we could-" He started, but you nudged him sharply in the ribs, cutting him off. He looked irritated, but before he could say anything you nodded towards the small girl sitting on a tree stump, her head in her hands.

"Come on." You said quietly, dragging Jasper with you.

Since the Ark had fallen you knew that there were more children left wandering around aimlessly, uncertain of what to do since families had been split up, or else simply too scared to stray too far from camp.

"Hey, you all right?" You asked lightly, bending down to her level.

The girl looked up at you sharply, and you noticed the distinct rim of red around her eyes. She was one of the lonely ones.

She shook her head firmly, her eyes darting across to Jasper.

"Hey watch this." He said with a slight smile, putting a berry into your hand.

You quirked an eyebrow at him.

"I'll catch it." He said, sticking his tongue out as he opened his mouth wide.

You noticed the girl sat forward slightly, and smiled yourself.

You threw the berry, and surprisingly Jasper caught it.

"Jeeze, Jasp." You chuckled as he began cheering, You noticed the girl was laughing too.

And, with that, you and Jasper carried on making fools of yourselves; from pulling funny faces to telling her old stories from before everything was turned on its head.

However, the call for dinner cut you off.

"You're idiots. but thanks." She said eventually, shaking her head slightly as a wide smile spread across her face before she wandered away.

Jasper quickly took her seat, and you perched on a rock nearby. "Well." He said, grinning at you. "I think I should be an entertainer- I was so good...you weren't bad either I guess." 

You looked over at him unimpressed, before pushing his head away slightly, trying to suppress the smirk threatening to slip onto your face.

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