Jasper Jordan Imagine

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Going on adventures with Jasper was something that made being cooped up in camp more manageable. Whenever you'd finished your jobs for the day you literally ran to him, tapped him on the lower arm multiple times until he finally finished up what he was doing- shooting you a bright smile as he did so.

"Where to today then?" He asked as you snuck through the fences and started off towards the north.

"If I knew that, silly, it wouldn't be an adventure." You said, grinning up at him.

He chuckled before following you, taking a few quick strides to catch up with you before shortening his steps to keep in step with you.

You always enjoyed the journeys, talking about everything you could and wondering about where you were going to end up. Yet when a loud noise erupted from the forest ahead of you everything seemed to crash down around you. You realised how foolish the idea had been, but darted off one way, calling for Jasper to follow you but being too scared to check.

After a few minutes of running, your breathing heavy as you paused behind a tree. You glanced around for Jasper. You couldn't see him. Your heart pounded against your chest, worry now flooding through you.

You took a deep breath before jogging back the way you'd come, scooping up a stick as you did so.

You spotted Jasper before he saw you. He was on the floor, looking around worriedly and trying to catch his own breath.

The temptation to prank him rose within you, but you were too thrilled to have found him that you darted towards him, hugging him quickly before he had time to realise it was you.

"Jeeze, Y/N, don't do that again." He breathed, hugging you back.

"I'm sorry. Maybe we should keep maps from now on." You said, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck.

"I'm glad you're okay." He said softly, patting your back lightly.

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