Bellamy Blake Imagine

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Requested by _fallenanqel_. Hope this is okay!

Ever since you landed on Earth, Bellamy had been on your case, commenting on every little thing you did. At first you didn't mind, you quite liked the attention from Bellamy, there's no denying that he's unbelievably attractive and much to you disliking, you had quite the crush on him, not that you'd ever let that be known. But know, however, the constant comments and criticism was beginning to drive you crazy, you were ready to snap, and that's what you did.

You were training yourself to throw a knife, in order to defend yourself if there were to be an attack, when Bellamy cockily strolled over to you.

"How will you ever survive if you throw like that, Trina?" Bellamy arrogantly asked you.

That was the last straw for you. You turned to face him, your face already red with anger.

"WHY DON'T YOU JUST FUCK OFF BELLAMY?!" You scream at him, unable to control your emotions.

Bellamy blankly started at you, unable to think of what to say next. You had never lost your anger before, you were always so quite and laid back, so when you screamed at him, he was taken a back. Bellamy would never admit it, but he was quite found of you, he thought you were the most beautiful girl ever, but the only way he could talk to you was to criticize everything you do.

Bellamy was about to say something, but you beat him to it.

"You know what Bellamy? Just leave me alone, I don't need your sly comments. If you're not going to be helpful, just don't bother to talk to me at all." You didn't want to shout again, it wasn't like you and it felt wrong, you just needed to shock him.

And that's what you did. He left you alone after that.

That was until a few weeks later. You were helping Clarke with something when you heard the screams coming from outside. Clarke told you not to go out there, but your curious nature got the better of you.

You walked out of the dropship only to be met by thick, red smoke. You suddenly felt dizzy and light-headed. You could feel yourself losing consciousness, you didn't know what was happening, but you did know it wasn't good.

Before you lost all consciousness, you heard someone call you name, but you couldn't make out who it was before your whole world turned black.


You tiredly opened your eyes, your vision still blurry. Blinking a few times, your vision fully restored, you could finally see where you were.

You were in the underground bunker you and Octavia had found a few months ago. You were laid on the bed, tangled in multiple blankets. There were a few candles lighting up the room, but other than that, it was pretty much dark.

  How did I get here?  You thought to yourself. 

"Hello?" You called out, to see if you were alone or not.

There was no answer. You were about to stand up to loom around when Bellamy came around the corner. What was Bellamy doing here?

"Trina, you're finally awake!" Bellamy said, sounding relieved.

"Um yeah, what happened?" You asked, still unsure of how you got here.

Bellamy explained everything that happened. He explained how these people with masks came and somehow gassed everyone with the red smoke. He explained how he saw you walking out of the dropship and collapsing when you inhaled the smoke. He explained how he only just managed to sneak past the vast amount of masked men to save you and bring you to the underground bunker that Octavia had told him about. 

Whilst he was telling you all of this, you couldn't help but notice how upset Bellamy looked. It made your heart ache.

"Thank you." You said after a moment of awkward silence. Bellamy just smiled and nodded. 

"Trina, I need to tell you something. The events of today have made me realise how important it is that I tell you." Bellamy said, looking up to look you in the eye. 

"Yeah, sure, what is it?" You asked, suddenly interested in what was so important. 

Bellamy moved closer to you, until you were inches apart, the closeness of your bodies making you blush violently. You looked down, hoping Bellamy wouldn't see you blushing, but Bellamy put his fingers gently under your chin to lift your head, so you were looking him in the eye. You couldn't help but notice how his eyes glistened in the darkness.

"Trina, I know you probably think I hate you, but that isn't the case. I was only horrible to you because that was the only way I could bring myself to talk to you. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on, you're intelligent, strong-minded and just all round amazing, and realising I could've lost you today, I realised I needed to tell you how I really fell, even if you don't return those feelings. What I'm trying to say, Trina, is that..."

Bellamy nervously rubbed the back of his neck, trying to figure out how to phrase what he was going to say next.

"Yes, Bellamy?" You asked, eager to know what he wanted to tell you.

"What I'm trying to say is, I'm, um, in love with you." 

Your eyes widened in shock. "What?" You asked, thinking you heard him wrong.

"I'm in love with you Trina, but after the way I treated you, I would understand if you don't feel the same." Bellamy said with a sad tone to his voice. 

He turned to walk away, but you grabbed a hold of his wrist, bringing him back to you. He looked you in the eyes, you watched as his eyes kept travelling from your eyes to your lips. 

You put your arms around his neck and leaned forward and placed your lips on his. Bellamy stiffened at first but then melted into the kiss. It wasn't a lustful kiss, but a loving kiss. 

You pulled away and put your forehead to his. 

"I'm in love with you too, Bellamy." 

The 100 imagines and preferencesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon