Monty Green Imagine

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Requested by FoxTailGaming. Hope you like it!

You were pacing. You'd been doing it since they'd locked the doors. All you could do was try and think about what to do. There had to be a way out of this- you refused to believe otherwise. There had to be something that you could do to stop this.

"Are you trying to wear a hole in the floor for our daring escape?" Monty asked, pulling your attention away from the little line that you'd been focused on. You blinked a few times, looking up at him. Jasper was sitting beside him on the edge of your bed, a small smirk lighting his face in contrast with the worry on Monty's.

"That could work." You said, chuckling slightly as you moved to sit on the bed beside Monty. "I mean, it's the best we've got so far."

"We'll figure it out." Said Jasper, moving to put his arm around both you and Monty. "I mean, we are the dream team after all."

You and Monty chuckled, shaking your heads. You were glad that you had them with you, despite the circumstances.

Just then the door opened. Those closest to the door moved away hastily, seeing the barrels of the guns which entered first. You and the boys jumped up quickly, eyes narrowing at the little group. Monty slipped his hand into yours, and you could feel that his hand was slightly clammy.

"It's gonna be all right." You whispered out the corner of your mouth, trying desperately to believe it yourself.

Monty nodded as the Mountain Men moved in. They were scanning you all, trying to figure out who to take. Anger bubbled up inside of you. You couldn't believe that this was happening. That this was being allowed to happen by those in charge. Hatred coursed through your mind. How could they do this without so much as blinking?


The voice was cold, but the look towards you was worse. The lack of emotion behind any of it was enough to set your teeth on edge.

"No." Said Monty, tightening his grip on your hand.

You could see the men looming in. You knew that there was no way of changing this- and anyway, why would you want to let someone else go through this?

You tried to swallow your fear, but it was a difficult task.

"It's all right." You said softly, though you didn't feel that way at all.

Monty couldn't believe it as you pried your hand away from him. He felt determined to make sure that you didn't go. That he would be able to look out for you. But you seemed certain of the decision. A flicker of pride went through him at the way you tried to hold your head up. To not give the Mountain Men the satisfaction of seeing the fear.

"I'll save you." He said, just before the Mountain Men motioned for you to leave. "I promise."

There was a small smile on your face before you turned around. "I know." You muttered, which was all Monty needed to hear. It was that which steeled his resolve to make sure that he got you back. No matter what it took.

He watched bitterly as they closed the doors, you shuffled between them, before turning hastily to Jasper. "We're getting out of here." He said simply, and he knew that his determination was showing through his voice, and he was glad of it. Because if there was one thing he wasn't going to do it was let them harm you. He wasn't going to let you go through that.

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