How he asks you out

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He asked you out when he'd taken you back to your door. You'd snuck out after curfew to see him, wanting to have a catch-up session because you'd barely had time to speak to each other. He had pretended to be giving you a telling off by doing it, but asked you out just before you'd closed the door on him. You nodded, kissing him lightly on the cheek.


His way of asking you out was on a piece of paper during lesson. You'd been so bored that he'd begun passing notes to you, little comments which were meant to make you smile. They always worked, and something about seeing your grin gave him the courage to ask you out. He watched as you scribbled down your answer. He'd never been gladder to see 'yes!' written.


He didn't manage to ask you out until after you were on Earth- you'd been arrested a few weeks before him so seeing you in the drop ship had made his heart swell. He asked while the two of you were off exploring a little part of the woods, towards the blue lights of the butterfly garden.


His mind had been reeling for ages about how to ask you out, you'd been so nice to him all the time that he wanted to spend time getting to know you. He'd kind of just blurted it out once while you were sitting in the library, flickering through the old books while he mumbled about the little facts which he actually knew.

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