Bellamy Blake Imagine

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The sounds were horrible, the clinking as people tried to get out, the dry sobs of those who were struggling and the saddened sighs of those who had given up hope long ago. The machinery working to gather the bone marrow was the loudest, the whirling sound of the drills. The Mountain Men were so silent, making the whole thing all the more horrific.

The cold metal was biting into your wrists. Your arms ached from the fact that they were above your head and your heart had sunk through the floor long ago. You knew that Bellamy was beside you, in the same predicament but struggling more than you could fin the energy to.

"We're gonna get out here." He mumbled, just as the Mountain Men moved the latest person- you didn't know who they were taking any more, the hours had been dragging for so you'd lost track- back to the wall.

And then, you saw people wandering towards you. The coldness behind their eyes panicked you. Your fight or flight mode kicked in. You struggled against the restraints, trying to keep the sobs as Bellamy shouted at them from beside you.

"Leave them alone!" He shouted, pulling at the restraints and trying to help you as they unlocked the cuffs. "Y/N, you're gonna be all right." He tried to reassure you in a slight calmer voice.

A dark sounding chuckle came from the Men who were pulling you towards the table, something which crushed the small flicker of hope that was burning in your stomach. You turned to look towards Bellamy, wanting to make sure that he was all right.

"It's okay." You said softly.

But Bellamy wasn't having any of it. He was struggling against the restraints, pulling at them so hard that his face was going red. a few of the Mountain Men were paling slightly, looking towards Bellamy, slackening their grip on you.

"Get him." One of them said, gripping your arm harder, causing you to gasp.

And that really got Bellamy. There was a hatred behind his eyes as he looked at the Mountain Men. His muscles flexed and a moment later you were sure you heard a shattering. There was a harsh grunt. You tried to look over, but the Mountain Men was keeping you steady.

"Let go." Said Bellamy in a harsh growl, before the guy holding you fell towards the table.

A fist flew past your head. Bellamy was attacking them. He punched the guy a few more times for good measure, attacking those who were coming towards him. You quickly tried to get into the action, ducking as another Mountain Man came towards you. You hit him in the gut, pulling yourself around to see Bellamy.

"What are you doing?" You asked, beaming at him as you pulled him into a hug- he hit another Mountain Man.

"Saving you, obviously." He said, pulling you tighter, making sure that you were all right. "I couldn't let anything happen."

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