Jasper Jordan Imagine

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Requested by xnthld, hope you like it.

"Jasp, look at that!" You said excitedly, tugging at your best friend's sleeve and pointing up at the sky.

All day you'd been a bundle of energy, looking to the sky to see if the Ark would be doing the usual New Year celebrations. They were one of the things which you missed about being on the Ark. How excited everyone seemed to get about it all. The atmosphere which came with people getting ready to welcome in the New Year. You missed the way your mother used to make too much food so that your neighbours could  join in with the welcoming of it.

But now, now you saw a spark of something which you recognised as the beginning of the celebrations, and it warmed your heart more than ever before.

Jasper chuckled lightly, moving to stand beside you. He glanced up, grinning at the sky like you. "It's beautiful." He commented.

"Isn't it just?" You replied dreamily, already picturing the rest of the celebrations in your mind.

You were glad that there were a few other people milling around outside as well. It looked as though they were some things that none of you were ever going to forget. A few of the guys were looking towards Octavia, and you knew what they were thinking. Bellamy knew it too, as his attention was scanning those closest to her, despite how her eyes were alight with joy at the sight of the celebrations overhead. But you didn't pay too much attention to the others, you kept your eyes on the sky, knowing that the countdown had to be coming soon.

"Almost." Jasper said quietly, nudging your shoulder gently with his.

You bounced on the balls of your feet, your excitement building. You were going to start the New Year on Earth, what wasn't exciting about that?

"Ten!" Someone called, just as the first ray of light went on in the Ark, cutting through the darkness like a beacon.

You squealed as the countdown continued, tugging at Jasper's sleeve once more. You managed to join in at 'Eight!' and looked towards Jasper. There was a bright smile on his face as he counted down with you. He took your hand lightly, and you gave it a quick squeeze. You were going to see the first New Year on Earth with him. Your heart swelled at the thought.

"Two!" You said, beaming at Jasper.

"One." He whispered, before slowly moving towards you.

You were shocked as his lips gently touched yours, kissing you softly, but not disappointed. You kissed him back for a moment, butterflies erupting in your stomach, before he pulled away.

"What was that for?" You questioned, opening your eyes and feeling a blush creeping onto your cheeks as he looked away, a blush slowly rising onto his own cheeks.

Jasper looked a little awkward, rubbing the back of his neck. "I-um, well- I've..." He stuttered, not quite able to get the words out. He let out a long breath. "I've been wanting to do that for a few years now." He let out a nervous little chuckle as he slowly looked back towards you, an awkward grin on his face.

You smiled at him before moving in for another kiss. "That's good to know." You mumbled once you'd pulled away, lacing your fingers with his as you were still holding hands. "Because I've wanted to, too."

He grinned at you, relaxing slightly. "Happy New Year, Y/N." He said.

"Happy New Year, Jasp." You told him, before moving a little closer and looking back up at the Ark's celebrations. Maybe this was going to be a good year despite having been sent to Earth.

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