Monty Green Imagine

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Requested by xnthld. Hope you like it!x

Jasper had changed, there were no two ways about it. You had kind of expected something like this to happen after everything you'd been through recently, but this hadn't really been what you'd expected. Your best friend had gone, replaced with someone that you no longer recognised. You tried a few times to get to know him again, missing the camaraderie that you once had, but to no avail. 

And that was why you were sitting outside the boundary of the camp, watching as the sky slowly grew darker, trying to take it all in. You didn't miss the Ark, per se, just how things had been then. They seemed so much simpler. Okay, so it was more boring, but at least you had your friends by your sides. Now it was difficult to remember who had been like what, and how many people you knew.

"You know." Said a light voice, making you jump. You grabbed your knife quickly, jumping up to protect yourself. Monty held up his hands, showing that he meant no harm. "It's all right." He said softly as you slowly lowered your knife. "It's only me."

"What're you doing here?" You asked, settling back on your little seat.

He moved to sit beside you, and you felt him shrug. "Wanted to see if you were all right."

You turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow. "How'd you know where I was gonna be?"

"I know you, Y/N, and I know when you're sad. Need to think." He said simply, nudging you gently. "So, what's up?"

You let out a long breath, knowing that he'd seen the change in Jasper too. If there was anymore you could talk to about all this it was Monty.

So you did. You told him everything. The way that Jasper had changed. The fact that it hurt so much to see him broken. You told him about the feeling of helplessness you felt at your inability to help him. And before you knew what was going on, you could feel the tears rolling down your cheeks, because you really did miss your best friend.

"Hey, hey." Said Monty, pulling you into a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around you as you muzzled your head into his chest, pulling him closer. "It's gonna be all right."

"How, Mont?" You mumbled, feeling more tears leaking down your cheeks.

Monty pulled away slightly, resting his hands on your shoulders. He looked you dead in the eye, and you could tell that he was being serious now. "He needs us to be there when he's grieved. He needs to know that we're still there for him. It might not look like it but he'd gonna pull through this, he just needs time. Yeah he's changed, but the person he was before is still there. You being there for him is gonna help."

You nodded, letting his words sink in. "What if this is the new him though?" You asked.

Monty took your hand gently and gave it a weak squeeze. "Then keep hold of the old memories, the knowledge that deep down this isn't him. Trust me, it's gonna be all right." He assured you.

You gave his hand a slight squeeze back. "Thanks, Monty." You said, trying for a small smile. Maybe things were going to get better, but at least you had Monty to help you when you couldn't help but dwell on the bad.

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