Just before I turn and tackle the final hill that Malachi's estate sits atop, I am assaulted with the sounds of hushed whispers and shuffling footsteps. The glow of flaming torches can be seen through the trees, and I creep forward on silent feet.

Shadowy figures dart between the pine trees and dense brush. I can tell they aren't dirty rogues. Their scents are clean and fresh, and they belong to DoubleEdge pack. I hurry from the shadowed safety of a trunk and intercept them.


My voice is called, a flame waved in front of my face to identify me, and I squint to see who is leading this secretive group of wolves through the forest.

"Hendrik..." I whisper when I see his face glowing in the torchlight. The bright orange flicker illuminates his brown eyes and worried expression. "What's happening? Where are you all going?" I look over the Gamma's broad shoulder to the frightened faces behind him. Women, children, and a couple of warriors stare back at me impatiently.

"I could ask the same of you. I was so worried for you when Knight escorted you out of our territory. I'm sorry it had to end the way it did," he reaches out and clasps my shoulder warmly. His touch is a spark of life in this deadened forest.

I brush off his condolences and ask again, "Where are you going?"

"Across the north-western border, for safety. There are rogues surrounding the pack house and town, and our plan is to get the most vulnerable pack members out of here before the fighting starts."

My face must pale at this information, because Hendrik holds his arm out and I grasp it for support. I see Devanshi step up beside him, holding a torch in one hand and a small baby against her chest. An elderly shewolf holds on to her elbow and peers at me with a stricken expression in her milky eyes.

"Hamilton is with the Alpha and our strongest warriors. They'll be okay," Hendrik explains as through he can see I'm worried for them. "No rogues can get past him."

"That's not what I'm worried about," I begin, but I know he'll never believe me if I start explaining the otherworldly tug I feel towards my mate, and the sense of dread about what might happen. They've been training to defeat rogues, but are they strong enough to withstand the dark force I feel pressing in all around me?

"We have to go. Now," Devanshi says with an edge to her voice as she looks to her Gamma furtively.
Hendrik winces, peering into the gloom around us before turning his full attention back to me.

"Come with us, Ariella," he says quickly.

"What?" I gasp, stepping back from them and bumping into Luci and Gabby who crowd close behind me.

"Dang, he's so hot! Just kiss him already," Luci giggles in my ear. I see she is checking out his broad chest and bulging arm muscles. His toned body is of no interest to me, however. I lift my foot and stamp on hers hard, wishing she would keep quiet and not embarrass me.

Hendrik goes on as if he never heard Luci. "We can keep you safe. I'll protect you. There's a region we are going to that is a safety zone for those in times of need. Hamilton and I planned this, should something ever happen..." he grimaces as his voice trails off. I can see the dark thoughts in his head, the concern and anguish he feels over his pack being so vulnerable and open to attack right now. This is his last resort to protect his family.

I nod in understanding, "Thank you Hendrik, but I need to find my mate—"

His eyes flash, his jaw setting in resolution. "My Alpha doesn't deserve you. He proved that when he threw you out with no sensible reason. Everyone agrees you only did what you needed to, to protect the female Alpha of ForgedHearts. Jasper's death isn't your fault, though Alpha might say it was."

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