NAMJOON - White converse

Start from the beginning

The next morning Namjoon was at the bus stop half an hour early because he couldn't contain his excitement. He couldn't wait to see (Y/N) again. All night he spent laying awake in bed, thinking about her. He was going to talk to her again and this time for longer. When the bus finally arrived, he could already see her sitting at the window. His heart rate picked up on its pace again as he got into the bus. He was so focused on her that he only noticed the boy sitting next to her when he reached her seat.

"Good morning Namjoon" she greeted him when she saw him.

"Good morning (Y/N)" he said. This was the first time of him saying her name out loud, and he loved the way it sounded.

Yet he couldn't help but feel disappointed. His place next to her was taken and it made him feel deeply upset. He went to sit at the back, four rows behind from her. She was laughing at something he told her and it made his heart sting to see that he was making her laugh. They appeared to be very close with each other since he rested his head against her shoulder. It killed Namjoon to watch them. He must be her boyfriend, Namjoon concluded and felt his heart break at the thought. He was blaming himself for having waited too long. Now she was someone else's, and he would never get to taste her lips. Not bearing to see them anymore, Namjoon rested his head against the window and absentmindedly looked outside.

A couple minutes later he noticed someone approach him. Instinctively he removed his backpack from the seat next to him to make space for whomever who wanted to sit next to him.

"Hey" he heard her soft voice and his heart almost dropped to the floor.

"(Y/N)" he said in surprise, looking at her, "Hi."

She sat down next to him, giving him a small smile.

"How are you today ?" she asked him.

"Good" he lied, trying to hide his bitter expression, "What about you ?"

"Quite alright, got a busy day ahead of me actually, but I am used to having a hectic life, I guess" she told him. He could tell by her voice she wasn't very happy with her life. It was the emotion that flickered in her eye for a second that gave it away.

"Are you going to uni ?" he asked her. He had been wondering for two months straight.

"Yes" she said, "I am also working at a café and giving lessons to children."

"What are you majoring in ?" he wanted to know.

"Literature" she replied, "What about you Namjoon ? What are you doing ?"

He melted whenever his name fell from her lips.

"I am currently giving piano lessons and taking some music classes in uni" he told her. They talked the whole bus ride and the whole entire time Namjoon wanted to ask her about the boy sitting next to her in the morning. It was bugging him major time, but he didn't want to come across as nosey.

"My brother is starting today at his new job" she then stated out of the blue, "He was sitting next to me this morning."

As if she had been reading his mind, she cleared up the situation. Namjoon felt relief wash over him, and he found himself laughing because of it. (Y/N) looked at him curiously yet with a friendly expression.

"That's amazing" Namjoon said, and he certainly wasn't talking about the new job his brother got.

The two of them sat with each other every day from then on. They talked a lot and became good friends. After a few weeks they finally exchanged numbers. Namjoon was pretty content with their friendship, but he couldn't help but want more. He wanted to hold her hand and rest his head on her shoulder. He wanted to see her outside this bus too. It took all of him not to constantly spam her with text messages. He was so curious about her, he wanted to know what she was up to, whether she had lots of work to do or if she was feeling fine.

After a month (Y/N) wasn't in the bus one day. Namjoon felt disappointed and hoped she was okay.

He texted her asking whether she was alright, but he never got a reply. When he didn't see her the following days too, he was worried sick that something had happened to her. The days were dreadfully long without her. He had nothing to look forward to, and he missed her incredibly.

After two whole weeks of her absence Namjoon felt like he was going insane. Every day he got into the bus with hopes to see her again. So when he finally saw her standing at the window, his heart was about to jump out of his rib cage. He found himself rushing to her as if she would disappear into thin air if he didn't hurry and pulled her into his arms, burying his head in the crook of her neck. (Y/N)'s body went stiff underneath his touch.

She was taken aback by his bold action, but she eventually relaxed in his arm and wrapped hers around him too.

"I missed you so much" he blurted, and she furiously blushed. He couldn't care less about being this blunt, he literally couldn't help himself. "Where have you been ? I was so worried, I th-"

"I missed you too" she interrupted him and Namjoon felt butterflies in his stomach. He forgave her right then and there, forgetting about how miserable he had been the past two weeks without her.

"I got into a minor car accident and was unable to walk for a while. I also broke my phone during the accident, that is why I couldn't text you" she explained, her cheeks a warm rosy color. She was still flustered at him bluntly hugging her.

Namjoon felt relieved that she hadn't been ignoring him but simply was unable to text him back.

"Are you okay now ? How did it happen ?" he wanted to know. She explained everything to him in detail. When her bus stop came too soon, Namjoon got off with her. He hadn't gotten enough off her yet, he didn't want to let her go.

"Oh, I didn't know you were getting off here as well" she said to him surprised.

Namjoon didn't know what got over him as he grabbed her arm and turned her to face him.

"Please don't hit me for doing this" he pleaded, watching her frown at him in confusion. And then he bluntly leaned in, crashing his lips on hers. Yet again (Y/N)'s body tensed, and she stood there frozen as he softly kissed her lips. Her lips tasted like sweet cherries, better than he had imagined them to. But as she didn't respond to the kiss, he pulled away, feeling terrible for having kissed her without asking for her permission.

"I am so sor-" he began to apologize when she suddenly kissed him. Namjoon's eyes instinctively fluttered closed as he completely lost himself in the kiss.

When they pulled away, they looked at each other with sparkling eyes.

"I think I fell in love with you" Namjoon blurted, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. He had no idea where this confidence was coming from.

(Y/N) softly chuckled, smiling widely at him.

"Let's go somewhere together, I am ditching uni for you today" she said and a big grin stretched on Namjoon's lips. He held her hand as they roamed the streets of Seoul, enjoying each other's company.

*A/N follow my imagine page on Instagram at moonchild_starrynight :)

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