Chapter 28

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Chapter 28
"Would you ever leave me if I get pregnant?" She asked him, her orbs filled with seriousness and her heart was beating at the speed of light.

"You're pregnant?" Xavier's face went blank, his hands began sweating. What?!

"No, you dumbass. Just answer the damn question!" She spat, her voice with anger.

"Well..." He trailed off. This question certainly put him off guard.

"Don't lie to me." Her voice became softer, more vulnerable.

"I... I don't know Pierce, to be completely honest." His hands waved into his hair, his mind pounding with a valid-able answer.

"Why did you leave Beth?" She looked down, not wanting to see his expression, whether it was an angry one or a sad one. She couldn't bear to see it, either way it held the truth.

"How did you..."

"David. He told me that he would never leave me, if I was ever pregnant,
I figured he meant you'd done that before and we all know that Beth was pregnant last year. So, I just connected the dots, and here I am." Tears started dwelling down her rosy cheeks, her mind falling apart with every second.

"Baby..." This was a first. Xavier had nothing to say. No excuse. No words of comfort. Nothing to aid him. To aid her.

"Just forget it. I wanna go home. I'm so tired of drama... it doesn't fit who I am. You cannot even open up to me! I had to figure it out by myself and with the help of a guy who was about to rape me! Why can't you tell me anything!" she paused too take a deep breath.
"I'm trying Xavier, and I mean really god damn trying here. But I need you to let me in, I need you to try as well. I need you to trust me. You don't trust me though, do you?" Her eyes were filled with confusion, pain and disorientation. Why would he keep this from her?

"Pierce, if you know what I've been through..the things that I've done... you'll never want to stay with a guy like me."

"You think I'm going to run off?" Her surprised look shocked Xavier.

"Why wouldn't you? Pierce, you have such an amazing life, you cannot imagine! I'm a junkie loser, whose father died of ecstasy overdose and whose mother left with no reason. To show you how dysfunctional my family really is, I live with an alcoholic brother. My grades are not even going to get me a job at Burger King and I have a history with drugs and girls. There you go. My life." Revealing all this, he was so ashamed of himself.

He had nothing worth living for.

Except for her.
She was his rock.
His light.

"Newsflash, nobodies life is perfect. Mine isn't the greatest either. My mother died of cancer three years ago! My father had a series of girlfriends; more than you will ever know. I stopped counting after the twenty-sixth. I have no true friends and I'm alone all the time. My father barely cares about me, only cares about his reputation! I have a suckish life Xavier; you're not the only one! I just wish you would be able to trust me and to confide in me. Because seriously, I'm tired of alibis and getting lied to." She turned around and ran off, just like that.

"Fuck me!" He punched to wall with all his might, next to a waking David.
"Huh?" The poor bastard woke up with the sound of a fist colliding with the brick wall. "Look man..."
"Save it. And keep your dirty hands away from my girl." His eyes warned the sorry loser and with that, he walked off, leaving a confused David on the floor.


"Hi daddy." Pierce spent the day in a local bus, riding around the fair city. She couldn't bear going back to school, in fear of bumping into Beth or worse, David. She couldn't go back home, with her father on the grounds at all times... and her car was in repair.
She had no choice but to buy herself a ticket and ride along, looking out the window; summer was slowly starting to appear, with all its shades of glory. The sun was fresh out and she spent all morning in the media of transportation. At noon, she got off at Central Park and bought herself a warm crunchy pretzel, which tasted like nothing but grease and salt, at one of the thousands of overpriced food stands. She walked a little and hopped back on another bus, getting home.

"Dad?" She called once more, but nothing.
"He's out with Jennifer."

A familiar voice called out, only for Pierce to find out it was Xavier's.

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