Chapter 36

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Chapter 36
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The sun was glistening, with all its radiance. The birds were chirping sweet sounds. The wind was blowing lightly. It was a perfect summer day in the Big Apple. A perfect day for a wedding. Not just any wedding, the corporate affair of a CEO who also happened to be the Mayor. Along with a black and white dress code. The town hall was glowing with all its glory. The people of the town were all happy for their mayor, well, all except one.

"You found your dress?" Her father was pacing back and forth, stressing over last minute details.

"Yes daddy." She answered, with no emotion in her voice.

"I know this is hard on you princess, but-" and before he could finish his sentence she cut him off.

"As long as I don't have to speak to her, I'm good." Pierce rolled her eyes. In 2 months, she would be out of the city and into the real world. Out of her dad's hair and out of Jennifer's reach.

"Be nice kiddo. If you gave her chance, you would grow quite fond of her."

She raised an eyebrow at him and cocked her head to the side before muttering "I highly doubt it." Her voice dripping with sarcasm.

" I want us to be a family Pierce! A real family!" His voice was stern, as if he was scolding a child. As if he was undermining someone less then himself.

And she snapped.

"Then fuck, why did you go and break mama's heart with your cheating and lying! You broke this family apart! What makes you think you won't do it again? grow bored and find some other whore!" Tears emerged from her eyelids, sliding down her rosy cheeks. Her breathing was hard, her chest was aching and her heart was breaking.

"Pierce, now---"
And again she cut him off.

"Fuck, I hope this marriage is going to work out. But forget it, I'm not growing close to her! I don't to suffer when she's going to be gone. Have a great wedding, honeymoon, but when time is going to get rough, she's gone." Pierce sighed, wiping her wishful tears "Just like mama."

"I'm sorry."

It was barely audible, but to Pierce, it was shouted. She never heard any nice thing from her father, but this one... it was special. He caused Pierce's grief. She lost her mother because of his actions. He couldn't make the pain go away, but he could apologize for bringing it there.

"Yeah... me too."

And then she took a deep breath before saying what she needed to say.

"I'm sorry for not leaving you like she did." Final words, practically mumbled. And with that she walked away without looking back.

. . .

"You ready?" Xavier looked sleek in his black tuxedo. They looked like the power couple, matching and glowing with somewhat of a happy radiance. Pierce's white gown hugged her curves and her black heels made the appearance of mile long legs.

"As I'll ever be."

He knew this was hard for her, the love she never received from her father after her real mother died and her step mother left. It was to much for her. She was abandoned far to much. But didn't she know he'd never leave her? Did she not know that for him she was his end and his beginning?

"He'll be fine." Xavier kissed his girlfriend's forehead, placing all his reassurance for her to take.

"It's her I'm worried about..." but that, she'll never reveal.

The wedding march started singing. The cathedral was flustered with flowers and ribbons, everything looked expensive. Pierce caught a glimpse of her father; shaking and nervous. His hands were trembling. He couldn't back down now. She wouldn't have it.

"Smile, be brave." She mouthed at his direction. He smiled and responded with what looked like a 'I love you.' But she payed no mind to it.

The bride started walking down the aisle, her white Vera Wang wedding dress trailing down. People stood up, all with smiles and congratulations.

The ceremony didn't last an eternity. The traditional speech was pronounced and they were husband and wife. A passionate kiss filled the air and love was set.

"Are you crying?' Xavier couldn't help but chuckle. This was so out of Pierce's normal behavior.

"Shut up." She laughed and wiped away the happy tears. For the first time in a long time, her father was happy. Truly happy. What more could she ask for?

"Would you say yes if I asked you to marry me?"

Pierce's head snapped towards Xavier so fast that she swore she had whiplash.

"What?" she whispered, eyes wide, face pale of any colour, watching him.

And Xavier? Xavier pulled her into his chest and smashed his lips onto hers.

Pulling back he just smirked at her and told her "I said; would you say yes if I asked you to accept his marriage to her?" and Pierce's cheeks suddenly flushed with colour, shrugging her shoulders she leaned into his body, just wanting to be in his arms.

But what she didn't know was that their wedding was inked on his calendar whether she was willing, or not.

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