Katsuki Bakugo: Fight

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Izuku was sitting in the kitchen together with the heroes and told them about the training improvements he had thought out, as well as the progress of the students he had watched and how their Quirks worked exactly.

He also mentioned his progress with Kouta, who had wanted Izuku to take him to bed earlier, and that the boy had asked him to try and get the heroes' permission to move into the Villa.

The Pussycats were excited about the openness of the boy, but the thought of giving him to mentally unstable Teenagers without an adult supervisor displeased them greatly.

“I would put your class through the same hell as the B tomorrow evening.“ he explained to Shouta Aizawa with a smile that made the teacher jealous.
“I would like to do it with the whole class instead of the 'test of courage'. You could move that one to the day after tomorrow.“

Pixie-Bob crossed her arms.
“Why don't you do your thing the day after tomorrow?“

The boy put his elbow on the table and rested his chin on his fist while fixating the heroine with his ghostly, lifeless and his, none the less creepy, working eye. 
His free, scarred hand reached for his cup and Zuko calmly drank a sip of his tea before he held the cup next to his face and explained:
"My Villa is much more trained than the brats of UA-High but still, after two days of intense training they are exhausted and not in the shape I need them to be in to throw a functioning assault at 1A. Let's don't forget that most of us still are quirkless."

The heroine had to gather all her nerves in order to not break under the feeling of bloodlust and danger and her colleagues had sweat on their foreheads as the green-haired boy put his cup down.
The sound of pottery hitting wood was unbearably loud in the tense silence.

“It's really getting late Idori-Shounen. Shouldn't you go to bed now as well?“

“I'm used to staying awake for two days and catching up in one night.
It makes the nightmares go away, you know?“

The adults were getting an uncomfortable shudder.

The boy looked out of the window with a melancholic look on his face and mustered the dark forest.
“Sometimes I miss my second eye.“ he said thoughtful and made the adults pale even more, “My leg as well – I mean, I still have it! – but it would be nice to be able to move it without pain.“

He sighed and traced the scars around his eye with his finger.
“But in the end, I can only thank myself for all the wounds on my body.
I'm grateful for the man who picked me up from the street that day, he cured me and lead me on the right path. He did so much for me and I will do everything possible to help others the same way he helped me… ah… I think I'll leave now.
Have a good night and a refreshing sleep, I will use the time to cook for tomorrow and train a bit.“

After the boy had walked away the teachers exchanged a look.

“The boy likely has the biggest mental issues of the whole group.“, stated Vlad dryly.

Shouta looked out of the window, that Zuko had looked out of as well.
"We can't exclude that. Heavy self-mutilation doesn't tend to be a sign of a healthy mentality. Who knows how all this kid grew up?"

Ragdoll tapped her chin. She was a lot calmer than usual. 
"All these kittens' of the Villa are in pain. Some are hurt worse than others, but Zuko and Dabi are worst."

Tiger examined the round before staring at the table. He had been beaten by Zuko in a matter of minutes. Eraserhead had been the one of them who fought the longest - it was suspicious.

Out of all the Pussycats, he always was the odd-one. The one who fought close-combat, the one who relayed on his muscle, the only man. But even he got a weird feeling from the one-eyed and he was sure the gals did as well.

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